Just diagnosed

Newly diagnosed with Bowel cancer, that has spread to liver. Feeling totally confused.

  • Hello Petewoo

    I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Hearing the news that you have cancer can leave you experiencing a range of emotions and it's understandable that you may feel overwhelmed and confused. 

    We do have some information about bowel cancer on our website that you may find helpful. I'm also going to tag in one of the forum members . I know that he had bowel cancer with some spread to his liver just over 10 years ago. Hopefully he will post to share some words of encouragement and let you know a little about his journey. 

    If you want to talk things through with one of our nurses at any point you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to offer any advice, information and support they can. 

    This is naturally a difficult time for you at the moment Petewoo. I hope that you have the support of family and friends around you. Do lean on them, and your nurse specialist if you've been given contact details for one. Try to avoid searching the internet for answers and this will only leave you feeling more anxious. Keeping busy can help and a positive mindset will certainly help you through the coming weeks and months. 

    Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hello Petewoo,

                              it comes as a shock when you hear this news and your mind rushes to the worst possible outcome, that's to be expected but it does little to help dealing with it .Once you get past the first days then you will come to terms with the reality of the initial diagnosis. It's a hard knock to take and then you start piling up the what if's, .which do little to reduce the pressure you will put yourself under. 

    Realising there is little you can do to change the situation early on and accepting you are now in the hands of a well qualified medical team should allow you to lower your stress levels and give your body its very best chance of coping with the treatment to come ,ensuring you give it the very best chance of success .You will need all of your reserves so please do not squander them on worrying about the things you cannot change, look to the positive things you can change to help yourself.

    Know that you will find the strength and will to help you on your journey if you allow yourself to, and don't stop looking forward. Its a hard road you have to travel but it's possible to use it to arrive at your preferred destination.

    Keep active, as much as is possible,  set yourself goals, but not targets, accept that at times you have now become a tortoise instead of the hare you were, but not forever

    You will soon be hearing how your future treatment will progress and l hope you will find that to be positive. l have deliberately not gone into detail of how my treatment went thinking it best that  you get your prognosis first, but l am more than happy to hold the conversation with you should you so wish, but l will leave you with the knowledge that l am fit and healthy with little residual restrictions from my treatment.,

       take care, and remember positivity is a good friend and ads a bonus is stress free

