What’s the use of worrying?

We probably all have the answer to the question and yet inevitably we find ourselves driven by myriads of thoughts and questions  not to mention emotions which seem to creep in and take up residence!  Has anyone any thoughts on this aspect of being amidst the choppy seas of uncertain times ? 

  • Hiya moongirl.   No matter what anyone tells you, the truth is, you are still going to worry.  You would have to be made of stone not to worry about the fact that you are battling a monster named cancer.  From a logical standpoint, worrying doesn't change anything, but logic doesn't enter the equation when you are quite literally fighting for your life.  It's a bit like when people say, "what's the point of crying, because crying doesn't change anything".  Very true, crying DOESN'T change anything, but it makes us feel a lot better when we do cry.  For me personally, I find that I am okay during the day, but sometimes if I am awake during the night, it hits me like a thunderbolt that I am dying.  The only thing we can do is to accept our emotions and not try to fight them.  take care. 

  • I so agree, laughter and tears are part of our emotional makeup, each having a place in our psyche so to speak, as is fear and anger  the two often walking together.  I am so sorry to hear of nights when the reality hits in big style. I try to remind myself that I don’t remember the process of being born so perhaps making the final journey is similar.  I find talking out my emotions at least gives them expression outside of my head.  Sometimes I shout, sometimes I cry, sometimes both.  My thoughts are with you Blue-girl.   Take care  too.