I have recently had a lumpectomy. Now I'm waiting to have a mastectomy. It's a worrying time as cancer has been found to be in my lymph nodes as well. Any advice would be welcomed
I have recently had a lumpectomy. Now I'm waiting to have a mastectomy. It's a worrying time as cancer has been found to be in my lymph nodes as well. Any advice would be welcomed
Thank you for your comments....it was a routine threecyearly scan so even more of a shock. It's good to hear other people's stories. Are you getting further treatment? X
I get the results from the area they removed in June so will know then what is next....be either more tissue to remove, or probably radiotherapy...
Hello new to this thread. Had a mammogram in January all clear. Found a lump three weeks ago. Mamogram still shows nothing but ultrasound shows a worrying lump. Doctor said 9/10 it is cancer. I’m terrified and in such shock and just keep thinking about my children. The ultrasound seemed to show nothing in lymph’s - I don’t know what that really means. Nice to have somewhere to share.
back for biopsy results in a week
Did anyone have a CT scan before they got their biopsy results? I'm worried my consultant thinks its spread already!