Breast cancer

I have recently had a lumpectomy. Now I'm waiting to have a mastectomy. It's a worrying time as cancer has been found to be in my lymph nodes as well. Any advice would be welcomed

  • Hi there. So mine is 2.5cm high grade DCiS ...I have had a wide local incision...go back June the 4th I think it is for the results on the margins.  Mine looked like a rainbow shape band of stars on my imaging ....I had wire guided surgery... so yeah I can identify with what you are going consultant is fab ...i am really pleased with how he's done the surgery...he basically went behind my nipple the whole area is stitched around...its soluble stitches and my boobs are big enough that they still look pretty as much as the cosmetics of that didn't matter ...I am just so thankful ....just see what is next...and yeah I believe at some point I will have a similar radiotherapy...

    I hope you have a good network of people for your journey ....x sounds like your hospital team have been great x


  •  Ah… thanks…

    I hope you have lots of support too


  • I am kinda on my own , do have a very good friend who has been great for listening. Family close by but unfortunately tends to be in their way if anything is given x been through an awful lot this year but I am here and stronger for the journey...we will smash this x 


  • Hi again Jules

    It’s good that you have a friend who listens….that’s so important.

    It’s tough when you’re kind of on your own.

    I completely understand because I now live away from lots of my friends and some of my family.

    Although I have been diagnosed after a screening in February, I’m finding it tough too!

    I try to think ahead and image a year from now and how life will be. I believe what ever happens it will be an amazing life….

    It’s so cool that you are stronger for the journey … 

    Together what comes our way … because no one can face this on their own …. 

    We become legends in own life time ….

    My best wishes always


  • Yeah I too missed a screening during covid because it was at a hospital too far away...I was in a way so grateful as my cancer was picked up on screening in January...

    It's been tough as I left my husband in Feb before the results ...and literally moved half way across the country...

    I knew I would be trapped in a situation with him for potentially the 6 months of surgery and treatment I went to a different hospital etc 

    That did make a little delay but it was worth the peace of mind to be free and looking at a different future

    Our positivity and strength help other people around us 

    As you say we are our own legends ...and if something we do inspires one other person then we can be proud 

    Have you treated yourself to a gift for points you have gone through in the journey...this was something another inspirational woman suggested to me ...not bought my first one yet but I have an idea what it will be

    I have in mind a bracelet or earrings related because that's what my cancer looked like to me a band of stars in a rainbow shape 

    Regards jules x

  • Ah…Jules ….

    what a beautiful message …. a star ….I hope you do treat yourself to something special soon ….

    with me gifts come in all different ways … sometimes it’s just feeling the breath of the early morning breeze …. I try to find a little something every day ….

    take care on this difficult and also amazing journey


  • What a beautiful message many thanks certainly takes a different shape and meaning....I am so thankful, one of the lucky ones ...right place -right time ...very fortunate I know there are plenty in a far worse position than I x 

    You stay being your own amazing x and I would love to hear how you get on ....

    Jules x

  • Thank you …. the next couple of days until I know my results will be a bit up and down ….

    I’ll be in touch as soon as I can ….


  • I had a recall from a mammogram. They did a biopsy and the radiologist said he was pretty confident I had a small cancer 11-13 mm diameter. I get the results on Monday but what a shock!!! No idea if it will be surgery, chemo or radio or all three? Difficult time 

  • Hi Bullo...I know its a worrying time ...been there too... I am waiting to see if my margins are clear after surgery...x it will very much depend on the type of cancer you have ...they will tell you what it is , the grade and dependent on if you have lymph nodes affected ....did you have a lump or routine screen pick up cells

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