
How do you stop getting depressed I try to be brave for my family and friends but feel like I just want to cry all the time I find it hard just before going to see the specialist 

  • I have bowel cancer. It is incurable and I am going to die from it. I have lived with it for a year now and my chemotherapy seems to be keeping it at bay. I work on the principle that I have a limuted time left and I should make the best of it, doing the things I want to do with the people I love. I can't walk far because I tire easily, so I walk short distances. I like driving so we drive to plqcea. I like eating.... and so on. I have my bad momenta, but feel that wastes what life I have left. I don't have religion and I don't fear death, though I fear dying if it is going to involve pain! I try to think of the good things in life and how lucky I have been to have done things (nothing special, just ordinary stuff) when I know people who died veey young. The other thing that helps me is writing a blog. I do believe in narratives or stories that help us make sense of things. It is at