Just catching up - it's been a while.

Hello everyone, and hoping for the very best of health and happiness for you in 2024!

This summer it will be 13 years since my devastating diagnosis of metastatic, stage 4 cancer (throughout both of my lungs and my liver).

Learning to live with stage 4 cancer is an ongoing challenge - but so far so good.

I thought I'd better pop a few words to update that I'm still about and, although I haven't visited my profile recently, nothing has changed here as yet (next scan in a couple of months).

Over the years I have learnt many different ways and approaches for coping with the grief and trauma that my cancer diagnosis brought. And, although I cannot give advice, I am always happy to talk openly on the forum about how things were/are for me, sharing the things I have found most helpful. I will always answer messages. I wish to encourage people to live with Hope (as treatments are improving all the time with new research etc), and Focus (alongside our medical treatments there are a lot of positive things we can try to do to keep ourselves as healthy as possible).

Really looking forward to some warmer weather soon and getting outside for some fresh spring air again.

Best wishes to you all,



  • Hello Mary and happy new year to you! 

    It's lovely to hear from you and to hear just how well you are living at the moment.

    As you may have seen, we've quite a few new members recently and we've had a few who are living with a stage 4 diagnosis. Some of them are doing well and some are struggling a little more so it's good to be able to share your story with others. Hopefully, it will offer some comfort and support to other members. 

    Keep in touch when you're able to Mary. 

    Sending our best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator