Prostate cancer & death

My prostate cancer was diagnosed very very late by my incompetent GP! 2011 I was 49 came in from work during that night I got up to pee 16 times! Fast forward to 2019 after 8 years of going backwards & forward to my GP and hospital I'm 10stone! Thin but still strong my GP then stated I was fit & he wished all his patients were like me! 

Eventually when he does a PSA test it comes back 109 his my GP face is bright red! I have radiotherapy it failed my cancer is to aggressive Gleason 9. My cancer is advanced stage 3 prostate cancer! So no cure!

I tried ADT therapy it was awful didn't have a life sweating like a pig day & night 24/7 so now my PSA is going up again it's 126.5 death is knocking on my door I'm a practical logical person.

Im on the treadmill of hospital appointments for scans again to see if the cancer is in my bones etc etc (Metastasis)

I'm under no illusions that I'm 60 years old now & will I see 61 or 62 it's in God's hands.

I had to move GPs after the incompetent one let me down so badly in not joining up the dots for over 8 years! My new GP is on the ball  and up front which I want I want to know all the true everything that's how my mind works I'm logical & practical in my life I have to know everything.

So what's install for me?

  • That’s always my worry with GPs! Everytime I take myself or my children for certain things and they brush it off with anything. Iv gone a couple of times and was told my daughter had ezcema when I said chickenpox fast forward she got infected chickenpox. Second time went in because her skin was peeling was told she had scabies but infact it was hand foot and mouth! The last one was told infected ezcema again turned out to be strep wasn’t givin the right dose of antibiotics so she suffered for 4 months of strep on her hands. Was so scared of sepsis I was told I had tonsilites wasn’t givin the right antibiotics turned out I too had strep but in the throat! They messed me around for 4months even put me on cancer pathway for cancer to be then told they weren’t giving me the right dose or strength of antibiotics so it had just kept coming back! And from alllll of this I now suffer with Health anxiety! So now when I do go gp appointments I do my research and I tell them what I want. 

    sorry to hear about you but reading your thread made me really angry about the incompetence of some gps. I wish you nothing but strength and healing 

  • It's a good job I'm easy going & not fazed by anything or else it could have affected my mental health. I'm not built like most people it didn't upset or make me worry I just get on with my life I sleep well don't worry not depressed or any self pity.

    Ive always been an inquisitive person and even though I know death will come I'm more curious how it's going to take me and what's next!

    I've always been a person who has faith so I think that's why I don't worry but I like to know things!

    Thanks for your kind words your right with the internet it's prudent to check your symptoms & get a second opinion if your not happy at what your GP is stating.


  • I'm really glad to read you have Faith it really stood out to me because its the most important thing in this life  without doubt everyone of us will be moving to the next life at some point and its great to know believe and feel there is a better life after this one ends ,I truly believe that ,there are other people on here with prostate cancer I'm sure this post will not go unseen and someone will be along to chat and maybe offer their advice .

  • If you type in the search forum (Prostate cancer ) all the posts will come up as well so you can read what people are discussing .

  • I've had a fantastic life I know it will end sooner than I thought but I've got 4 children 2 boys 2 girls all grown up.

    I've done my job and it's like my life has been planned out for me from day one everything I've ever wanted I got every job I went for I got,my mom always said I was just so lucky in life.

    I can accept death so easily because I've lived a life to the max so I can accept death with good grace & no worries my faith has always been strong from a small child going to church Sunday school to an adult my faith has never waivered.

    Thanks for your kind words I am really curious how death will come my GP says he's never met someone like myself whos accepted such bad news with a carefree attitude I can't do anything so why twist myself up.


  • I was exactly the same Sunday school from a small child ,I took myself there actually and into adulthood and its never left me either and its amazing when you feel this way its definitely a God given peace that nothing else can give ,when they told me I could have Ovarian cancer I was really shocked and had a good cry ,after going to the hospital and having all the tests they told me it wasn't cancer so I was very happy about that but I come on here to see if there are others that went through what I did to try and help with any questions and some posts just stand out .

  • My dad has stage 4 prostate cancer? He is having surgery to remove the tumors and lymph nodes. Will this cure it? Or due to him being stage 4 is it prolong his life?

  • Offline in reply to N123

    First of all consult his oncologist ask the question to him directly. 

    I'm just a man who's dying of prostate cancer I've read many articles & directly sent messages to consultants outside of Britain.Stage 0ne or stage 2 prostate cancer they can cure you if they catch the cancer before it's gets out of control stage 3 or rage 4 they are unable to cure they can only try to prolong your life.

    I myself would rather have quality of life than just to prolong my life cut me up & damage my bones by chemotherapy or radiation or take the ADT tablets or injections because my cancer is to advanced

    My GP missed all the signs over an 8 year period I was peeing 16 times per night in 2011 when I was 49y old NO one did a PSA test? Fast-forward to 2019 I'm 9stone my GP still hasn't joined the dots up he says "Charles you are fit & health I wish all my patients were like you?" 

    You don't want to argue with your GP you trust him BUT I realized he was talking rubbish,I rang my sister in America she's a Nurse she told me get back there urgently you have cancer!

    Once I saw him again told him what my sister stated HE did the FIRST PSA test! He called me back 3 days later RED faced I had In December 2019 stage 3 advanced prostate cancer further test biopsy done my Gleason 9 and PSA was 109 

    We are now in 2024 my cancer is further advanced to stage 4 prostate cancer the stats tell the experts you roughly get 5 years of life depending on factors.

    I am a practical person I love reading I want to understand my Cancer so I have read & read & read to understand BUT I state again everyone is different I didn't cry wasn't upset or angry yes my GP let me down badly he's killed me BUT during all those 8 years from 2011 to 2019 I realized I was seriously ill it was my GP who dropped the ball!

  • Hi Folks,

    Another update my PSA has been going up by 50 points or so every three months of them checking. December 2023 my PSA was 176.6,I thought it would be going up to around 226.6 or so this month March 2024 My details are diagnosed in 2019 with a PSA 109 stage 3 advanced prostate cancer with a Gleason 9 yeah aggressive cancer!

    Well I gave blood waited & waited for my PSA reading for March 2024 nothing which was strange BUT I'm a logical thinking person I realized something wrong? Eventually I get this months reading my PSA shot up nearly 100 points to 271.6 Crikey!

    Good job I got a good sense of humor,my phone starts to ring my oncologist ask me have I considered removing my Testicles?? Oh yes this can be done to lower a mans testosterone dramatically this is what prostate cancer feeds off! 

    The technical term for chopping off ones testicles to prolong ones life is: Orchiectomy or Orchidectomy)

    So my Oncologist  wanted me to turn myself into a eunuch,this is what they call now beating cancer?

    A eunuch is a male who has been castrated

    Well I had a good laugh with them when it was asked or mentioned to me they said they had to inform me because my situation is dire Gleason 9 rapidly rising PSA I'm in a high-risk situation that may require aggressive treatment!

    My response after having a good laugh was NO Way! First and foremost I'm a man an old style man born 1963 I've had a great life a good life BUT one thing I will not do is get myself cut up to save or prolong my life MY testosterone has made me the MAN I have become strong independent fearless easy going & Christian.

    Just because death comes knocking am I going to throw my life long Christian values out of the window just to prolong my life when the damage has been done by my GP missing my cancer for 8 years! 

    2011 I was around 49 years  old I just got up during the night to pee 16 times! I don't smoke or drink I realized straight away I had a problem! Fast forward 2019 I'm 9st still peeing 16 times per night NO one mentions cancer or prostate cancer or had done a PSA test EIGHT years gone by.

    So you see my body for 8 years had cancer it's 2019 That's when finally after me pushing my GP he is then  Red faced informing me I had Advanced prostate cancer stage 3 PSA 109 and a Gleason 9

    So if you've understood what I've stated & the clinical detail you realize there was NO hope of me beating this prospect cancer because those factors PSA 109 Gleason 9 advanced prostate cancer stage 3!

    I'm not bitter angry upset I'm a logical realistic man I don't worry not afraid hell I've crashed many a motorbike in my time always walked away! So you see it just my TIME!

  • That’s bad but I had the opposite experience. One mention of getting up in the night and my GP couldn’t wait to whisk me off for DRE and PSA test. Result: cancer. That was in 2016. I had HT & RT and a short remission but now stage 4 and on Decapeptyl and Enzalutamide.

    Always look up! Love to you xx