Has anyone else become stressed, anxious, frustrated by aspects of their NHS cancer treatment?
My issues may seem trivial but I've experienced delays, information provided is not always accurate never mind complete, lack of co-ordination between hospitals (have had to deal with 3) and my GP, difficulties in getting prescriptions, hospital transport, lack of follow up on tests 'they' say they have ordered/or tests planned, failure to write down my answers to questions posed (for example) chemo nurses or doctors, phone appointments not stuck to, out of date information in letters, delays in chemo treatment- sometimes as long as I'd expect to wait in Casualty, waits for transport home - up to 4 hours.
I don't know how to manage my reaction when things don't go smoothly, or how to lower my expectations, or even how to get access to whoever I need to speak to or email. Maybe all minor issues but cumulatively they raise my stress levels. I can't afford to pay for private sector treatment and would have a bad conscience about that. PALS, macmillans - not helped.
I did look through categories already in existence and went back till I came to threads where the last response was 4 months ago - so sorry if this duplicates something I missed.