2nd lumpectomy

Hi all

I am back again looking for support and positivity!

I had my second lumpectomy last Friday to clear margins and back to the waiting for results. I am lucky that only have to wait until next Wednesday.

However I am already struggling. I think this is the first time during my journey that I feel negativity is creeping in. I can't help but worry about being told the margins are still not clear and what that could mean. Would they go for a third try or would it move straight to a mastectomy. Either of the options would effect me emotionally, the latter more so. 
I want to move forward with my treatment but this latest op has made me feel like a backwards step. Surely the odds are better to get clear margins at a second attempt but when I spoke to my surgeon he again said it was 1 in 5. 
Has anyone else been through this that can share their experience and pick me up a little! 

Cookie x

  • Hi Cookie,

    You are bound to struggle, especially when you've had a good cosmetic outcome. My lumpectomy left my breast looking a mess. I forgot to say that I changed surgeons after that. My new surgeon did his best to tidy this up when he carried out my mastectomy, but it is still very different from the breast that was only operated on the once. As you said, the main focus has to be on becoming cancer free and, I think that by the third time, most people would be opting for a mastectomy.

    Write down any questions before you see your consultant on Friday and make sure that you know exactly what they are going to do in respect of your reconstruction.

    I look forward to your update.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Cookie, I got my path results from lumpectomy and lymph node clearance this week and there was no cancer in the tissue they removed. I still need to have radiotherapy but very relieved at this result. Was your appointment yesterday? How did you get on? Big hug to you, Amy x

  • Hi there,

    I've just been reading these threads with interest as my breast cancer has returned for a second time same left breast. My breast never really recovered from the first lumpectomy (wide local excision) and usual sentinel lymph node removal. After intense radiotherapy and chemotherapy 12 years ago I remained lumpy, sore and shrunk breasted! Anyway, bottom line it's back. They offered two options, another chomp at it or mastectomy. I'm going for the latter as I just don't want the worry of it returning. I got measured up for a bra to take the prosthesis and will be happy with that.

    I'm more concerned now about possible further metastis elsewhere as my collar bone hurts like crazy....has anyone had similar pain? Im having a CT scan Tuesday 18th then a full body bone scan may 4th. I'm worried sick about it as is my poor husband who lost his first wife to secondary breast cancer.... keeping my fingers crossed Wishing other ladies the very best wishes for your 2nd/3rd lumpectomy's but it's mastectomy for me.


    Hi MissyM,

    I am so sorry to hear that you are facing this again. I had a second bout a year after my first. I had a lumpectomy the first time and a double mastectomy the second. The fear of spread and recurrence is something that we all have to learn to live with. I sincerely hope that your scans are clear.

    I felt much happier in myself after my mastectomies, as I felt that I had done all that I possibly could to get rid of the cancer. Are you not going for any sort of reconstruction? I couldn't, but I manage with an assortment of different prostheses for different activities. I was first diagnosed 13 years ago and am fortunate enough to still have a busy and fulfilling life.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine

    Thanks for your reply. I think you did exactly what I feel is the right thing with the mastectomies. I'm not having any reconstruction as I don't personally want anything artificial put back in side me. I did discuss taking my tummy fat for reconstruction but my surgeon said that would not be a good idea for me . I have recently had spinal decompression surgery and have a partial hemicolectomy waiting in the wings to be done asap on top of the newly diagnosed second round of breast tumours She considers my poor body is already coping with enough in one year! As much as it would be great to lose my shopping bag tummy largely caused from some weight gain and previous surgeries, I can always consider it in the future but to be honest, I went for my prosthesis post surgery bra fitting at the weekend, feel very happy with the comfort of the bras and bought a couple ready for the surgery. Like you I know I will be happy with that.

    I'll see what the outcomes are from the CT scan tomorrow and bone scans May 4th and update on the results. It's the thought of any metastases that worries me more than the mastectomy, but like you I have a busy and fulfilling life, I have a great partner and amazing friends and family to support me through this, just as they did the first time.

    But the support us cancer fighters get from support chat groups like this one is something special so thank you ️

    Best wishes

    MissyM xx



  • Hi MissyM,

    You'll be glad to get your scans out of the way. We all fear the thought of any metastases, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this won't be the case and that all turns out well for you tomorrow. 

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx