2nd lumpectomy

Hi all

I am back again looking for support and positivity!

I had my second lumpectomy last Friday to clear margins and back to the waiting for results. I am lucky that only have to wait until next Wednesday.

However I am already struggling. I think this is the first time during my journey that I feel negativity is creeping in. I can't help but worry about being told the margins are still not clear and what that could mean. Would they go for a third try or would it move straight to a mastectomy. Either of the options would effect me emotionally, the latter more so. 
I want to move forward with my treatment but this latest op has made me feel like a backwards step. Surely the odds are better to get clear margins at a second attempt but when I spoke to my surgeon he again said it was 1 in 5. 
Has anyone else been through this that can share their experience and pick me up a little! 

Cookie x

  • I am so sorry to hear that news but how good of your consultant to phone you.  
    Those results do change things and I would totally go for the mastectomy and reconstruction too. Bloody DCIS!  It was worth a try to keep your boob but hey ho.  
    hope all goes well with the next op and you are free of cancer cells soon! 

  • Hi, I'm sorry it has come to this, but it sounds like you are taking a positive view of a rubbish situation. Good for you! As you say, the main thing is to be cancer-free and I for one am thankful that we can also get a good cosmetic outcome. I really hope it goes well for you and look forward to reading your updates. Big hug x

  • [@Amy321]‍ & [@SL51]‍  Thank you ladies!

    The emotions in this journey are incredible aren't they! If I'd have been told a week ago I needed a mastectomy it would have broke me but the overriding feeling I have a present is relief! I'm sure that will change is the coming hours, days and weeks!

    Please keep me updated with your journeys and results and I pray for positive news for both of you. 

    Cookie xx


    Hi Cookie,

    I am so sorry to hear this. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer. My surgeon told me that the pathology results showed that he hadn't achieved clear margins, but that he realised this at the time and took another sliver away. He assured me that there was no need for further surgery. However, a year later, I discovered another lump in the same breast, so I do wonder.

    I had a double mastectomy and, unfortunately, I was unable to have any reconstruction. However, I can assure you that I felt much happier after this, than I did first time around, as I felt that I had done all that I possibly could. Your surgeon sounds like a sensible man, who is trying to achieve the best possible outcome for you. I sincerely hope that all goes well this time.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  •  Cookie 

    was it 2 lumpectomy you have had and now masectomy 

    so sorry you have had this news lovely it's a long road you will soon be back 

    good luck love Lara ️

  • Hi Jolamine

    Thank you for sharing your journey.

    I know deep down that having the mastectomy is the right way forward as the risk is too high to try for a third time as they just keep finding more.

    I am just struggling emotionally as I am happy with the cosmetic outcome to date from the first 2 surgeries. However I know the main focus here is to be cancer free and reduce as much as possible the chance of reaccurrance.

    I know I will feel better on Friday after seeing my consultant and I know the plan for the ope and reconstruction. 

    I will keep you updated! 

    Cookie x

  • Hi Lara

    Yes I have had 2 lumpectomies in the last 6 weeks but they just keep finding more DCIS. It is worrying as after the first op a small amount of mucinous carcinoma was found so I know it has the potential to turn invasive. 

    A mastectomy is the only option in my head now. The MDT did recommend a further lumpectomy but my consultant gave me a 50/50 chance of clear margins and he recommends mastectomy with reconstruction. I am going to see him Friday so will know more then

    Cookie x

  • Cookie 

    what a time you have had bless you big hugs lovely 

    I'm sure that you will be happier when you speak to them on Friday , but how do you feel about having a masectomy are you happy to go ahead with that ? 
    I think if it was me I'd opt for masectomy , I wanted a masectomy but was refused I would have been more settled to be honest 

    love Lara ️

  • Hi Lara

    My journey has not gone as expected and feel like I have been unlucky.

    However I feel that given what the consultant has explained to me so far, a mastectomy is my only decision.
    I'm struggling with it emotionally and just trying to reset my thoughts. I have lost a lot of focus since finding out my margins were not clear for a second time, in that I was hung up on the cosmetic look but I want to be cancer free and reduce as much as possible any chance of reaccurance.

    I have been offered immediate implant reconstruction with a reduction on my good side which I will find out more about on Friday. I'm sure once I have got through the op I will feel the relief and not be so anxious about the wait for results as I was after the lumpectomies!!

    cookie x

  • Cookie 

    yes as the waiting was hard for me once never mind twice and like you said a third time is torture 

    It's so good you can have reconstruction, it's not ideal but like you say it's a much better chance than having a reoccurrence as this would happen then anyway , 

    thos is the last time now though so at least after this you can settle and it will be done once and for all . 
    will you be having any other treatments afterwards ? 
    love Lara ️