Heavy bleeding from cervical cancer


I have stage IIIc cervical cancer, I'm having really heavy bleeds with quite big clots/flesh (not sure what it is). Sometimes it pours out of me which obviously then makes me very dizzy. 

Just wondered if anyone has experienced this,  whether it's normal or if I should be concerned? 

I've obviously experienced bleeds prior but since Friday they have been considerably heavier. Also I haven't started treatment yet if that makes any difference? 

Thank you x

  • Offline in reply to mon7

    Morning mom 7 my symptoms are the bk ache and pain left side  funny poos and haven to pee all the time I haven even attempted intercourse for fear I'm bleeding 

    Tg I haven bled since treatment 

    Yes I have follow up every 3 month my last check up April and I was flying it but last 4 weeks haven been rough 

    Yes I started hrt patches but I came of them because they were giving me bad shakes and mood swings and I was perfect when I stop them 

    There not for everyone hope this helps xx 

  • Offline in reply to Pupp

    Hi Pupp, 

    How did your check-up go the other day? 

    Lots of Love 

  • Offline in reply to mon7

    Hi mom7 I got on OK have to go for an mri cause they think my bowels r damaged from the radiotherapy  cause I was only 37 kg when I started my treatment so just a waiting game now aswell xxx