Swollen lymph node in groin really worried

Hi there I recently felt a pain in my right groin on straing to go to the toilet( sorry if tmi) I've suffered with constipation for years but this year in particular I constantly strain even causing myself a fissure! It was around about the same time I felt the groin  ache/pain so last week I went for a private groin/pelvic ultrasound he said everything was fine but he saw a 5mm lymph node near the tender area that appeared normal with no suspicious features just slightly enlarged. I've had no illness or anything I can think that would of caused it other than chronic straining when going to the toilet ( not sure if that would do it!).... I'm quite worried as I cant think of any other reason for it I had fbc blood test yesterday so just waiting for results doctor said it was just the one lymph node .... I'd be so grateful ifan anyone could give me any reassurance please or know if straining can cause this at all .... Many thanks 

I also have no other symptoms the dr who did my ultrasound said it was nothing serious but how would he know that?

  • Hi Finn1967,

    It's good to hear you got this checked out - I would encourage you to listen to the doctor's advice and to take reassurance from this as it sounds like it is nothing to be too concerned about. They are being thorough with the tests and hopefully it won't be long before you find out the results. If you have any remaining questions, do speak to your doctor when you get your results so that you can get peace of mind - the doctor is always best placed to advise.

    All the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Finn1967.

    I am not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications.

    Really you shouldn't worry about the swollen node in your groin.  An experienced sonographer can look at a node and tell very quickly if it's harmless ("reactive") or something to worry about.  This is all in a day's work for them.  They know what to look for, and they've received extensive training, so you can rely on the assessment being correct.

    Your node has been assessed as harmless so it is very likely doing its job of fighting off an infection.  You may not be aware of the infection, but that is pretty common.  The node has swung into action before the rest of your body is aware there's a problem.

    The general rule is to give a node 4-6 weeks to settle down, and if it's still swollen after that time go and see your GP.  Of course, if you start to feel ill or feverish then the node may not be coping on its own and you might need antibiotics, so see your GP.

    Chroning straining on the toilet is not a good idea; if you are straining then I wonder if the problem is with your diet or maybe some medication you're on.  I think this is something you should discuss with your GP, who may well refer you on to a dietician. 

  • Thanks for replying.... blood test came back ok so I'm assuming all is ok.

  • Thanks for your reply I suffer with terrible health anxiety so just needed some rational advice .... my blood tests came back normal and I'm sure they can tell a lot from your bloods too. Thanks again