osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Ronjoe - my husband had the same FLOT op then FLOT during 2021. It  is a combination of chemotherapy drugs usually given every 2 weeks over an eight week cycle. Your oncology department will give you information before you start your treatment . It is a lot to take in when you are diagnosed. However my advice is to try to take one step at a time. Your upper GI team will also help you too.

    keeping the faith


  • Offline in reply to Milly58

    Hi there Millie and Hilts, lovely to hear from you both and know all’s going well for your husbands. The same for Martin, 19 months now since he had his stomach out but doing well,  he’s encountered a couple of things since his op and one still ongoing. He’s 81 now and we still go on our holidays.

    Just thought I’d pop over here and say Hi to you all. Thame care and hugs. Sue xx

  • Offline in reply to SueCC

    Hi Sue,

    Thats really great news! Fingers crossed Kev is doing well. It will be our 40th wedding Anniversary on 11th August so we are going away with our family. Then afternoon tea in the village where we got married on the actual day.  Take care.

    still keeping the faith


  • Hi all, 

    Not a sufferer myself but currently supporting my dad through his treatments. 

    unfortunately due to age and findings of a heart murmur during testing, it was decided he was not fit for the operation. So chemo and radiotherapy it was. with the 6 weeks completed and some painful weeks after, on his first round of PET scanning and endoscopy he was told there were no signs of the tumor remaining. 

    unfortunately we received the news today that it has returned and that no further treatment to the area is possible due to various risks. 

    wondering if anyone on here has experienced similar? 

    dad has been seriously struggling with his eating and has lost a lot of weight, mainly down to mucus style build up constantly in his throat. We have been prescribed something that will hopefully help with this and dad is booked in for a stent to be inserted in a few weeks.

     A little lost after todays news, writing this whilst being unable to sleep. Would be great if anyone has info of similar experiences. 

    i wish everyone within this group nothing but good health. Thank you to those taking the time to read this. 

  • Hello James,

    I’m so very sorry to read that your dad has Oesophageal Cancer. It is overwhelming and very difficult to be the carer and you are obviously supporting your dad as much as you can. The cancer chat site is helpful. this particular thread is quite old so you may find more answers on another post. I found the MacMillan nurses on their support line helpful. There are also charity organisations like Maggie’s that specialise in cancer support. The upper GI team should be able to give you contacts to offer support for you and your dad. It’s hard but try to take card of yourself too so you are able to help your dad.

    I hope you don’t mind but I always sign off with keeping the faith 


  • Hi Milly, 

    Thank you for your response and kind words, much appreciated. 

    I will certainly look at the support networks you’ve mentioned, have spoken to macmillan nurses before but the others are new to me. 

    Dads lucky we have a close family around us, so there’s a lot of support. Just wish he wasn’t on this journey. Going from all clear 2 months ago to it returning has hit us all like a bus. 

    Thanks again for the info you’ve provided, really kind of you. 

    best wishes. 

  • i was diagnosed with Oesophageal junction cancer back in January. Went for an endoscopy as was having severe burps (like a lion roaring) and coughing a lot of the time and sometimes needed to ‘double swallow’ certain  foods. So it was a massive shock when they told us. I started chemo on 14th Feb - 100% of both etoposide and carboplaton for 6 rounds , last dose was end of June. I couldn’t have an operation as had spread to my liver , so classed as stage 4 - which I hate as people assume if stage 4 you will be dead in days ! I had a CT scan 4 weeks ago so waiting on results of all the chemo. My mid point scan was very promising as the liver Tumour had gone from 8.5 cm to 4cm and the main tumour had shown significant regression, which my oncologist was very pleased with.

    one question has anyone suffered with chemo belly once your chemo ended and if so what was best to resolve it.

  • I’m sorry to hear of what you have been through, but pleased to hear the positive news you’ve had following your treatment: keep at it! 

    My dad hasn’t experienced chemo belly so unable to help on that one, hopefully someone on here will be able to. 

    Best wishes


  • Offline in reply to Hilts

    The statistics don’t reflect any increase in numbers, but people are getting diagnosed earlier and more of us are surviving and living to tell our stories.