osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hello All,

    I am back again….just over two years since dads successful operation and given the “cancer free” badge and it’s back.

    I am very sorry to hear about your dad Lee, I know we were on this journey together back in 2021. My thoughts are with you.

    As we all know the OC is a fast mover so since the beginning of December things have really moved on. Initially dad was being offered chemo but on the 23rd of December had to have an NG (feeding) tube inserted and now they are going to start radiotherapy on Monday. I have went back through a lot of comments but can’t see anyone who has had radio to treat OC on here? 

  • Hi Lee,

    I’ve not posted on here for a few months but as summer approaches I wondered how you and your family are doing? I hope your shop is still going despite the drop in customers out of season due to the dreaded Brexit affect.

    I’ve not heard from anyone lately from this thread as I guess peoples situation changes. I’ve private messaged Hit’s  but as yet no response which does concern me but I guess she may have moved on from needing this link.  

    Anyway you and your family are in my thoughts as is your dear dad who I know you will forever miss. Take care

    still keeping the faith


  • Hi Milly,

    It's very good to hear from you.

    Yes all 3 of us are doing the best we can - it's very difficult and strange now, but we have carried on the best we can. My Mum's birthday is today so she has gone back to Derby to see her family for a week. I was only thinking of this forum a few weeks ago, thinking it has been very quiet - I really hope the fellow travellers on this journey are doing ok. How is your husband doing? We are starting to get busy now in the shop but still feeling the deep reprocussions of Brexit!

    Thanks for asking about us.


  • So lovely to hear from you Lee -you won’t believe this we are from Derby area. My husband is from Chaddesden sand I’m from Melbourne Derbyshire! We support the Rams who’ve just got back in the Championship S you may know!

    Yes life is never quite the same - 38 years since my mum died aged 51. You feel cheated for them and you - well that’s how I still feel. Your dad was clearly a massive part of your lives and I’m so sorry that  he had this awful cancer.

    We are Ok thanks for asking especially in your circumstances . It’s 3 years since Kev had his first operation the Oesophagectomy . So far so good. We went to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand in January and February - a very humbling and exciting experience. 
    We are currently fence painting something Kev thought he’d never be able to do again. 

    Im still keeping the faith and everything crossed,

    Take care


  • That's good to hear Milly. When you messaged I was in Alicante with my wife and as I read your email (and especially Scott's previous email, all those daily memories of complete heartache and fright came back and we both sat there crying out eyes out in the middle of Alicante, whilst having a beer - quite comical now we are back home and thinking about it!

    Yes we was brought up in Nottingham and then moved to spondon - a small world!

    Again, if you are anywhere near Alicante....pls msg me and we can meet for a coffee - it feels like we have a lot in common (although it is on the worse circumstances possible!)

    Take care and keep the faith 


  • Hi Lee, 

    Sorry if I upset you both.  Thanks and if you come back to Derby just message me too.

    yes still keeping the faith


  • Offline in reply to Milly58

    Hi y’all ️ ️ ️.

    we are Still Here . I must admit to really disengaging with the board! I thank Millie for drawing me back with a PM.  Why I disengaged?? I guess after Andi and a few other losses around me, I felt I needed to heal a bit emotionally. I tell you what cancer is one beast, BUT for the on lookers it is the emotional stuff that is the incredible, unexplainable roller coaster! Still feeling the effects, today 4 yrs on
    He is now 4 years since d(iagnosis) day ! Still on the pints! He tells me it is to ‘help wash any food through’  ye right sonny……. 
    A few hernia ops, wandering bowel through the diaphragm- which was causing the coughing, now firmly put in its place with a mesh . We still look at each other and think WTH happened there! , always will I guess.

    whoever is still here , keep keeping the faith. ️ ️


  • Offline in reply to Hilts

    Great to hear from you Hilts thanks x

  • Good to hear from you hilts

  • What is FLOT I have to have chemo and then op.