osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Lee,

    How lovely to hear from you. I think of you and wonder how you and your family are doing? It is a huge loss. I know that as my mum died aged 51 when I was 24. You were such a support to your dad and family Lee. 

    How is your family business doing now we have no restrictions? Hopefully you are keeping busy.

    Take care and as always

    keeping the faith





  • Hi Milly,

    Thanks for asking - I'm always in 2 mind's whether to follow this thread or not....I guess I'm still not sure. Business has obviously improved now there's no restrictions but severe implications and a big loss of trade due to brexit! 

    As a family we are all working hard and I have been doing back to back projects for the last year to stay occupied - I guess it's my way to deal with such a nightmare. My Mum still has good and bad days...but we stay focused on what my Dad told us and as always, his advice is the best for us all.

    I'm glad to hear you're still on a very good road to recovery and long may it continue.

    The offer is still there for anyone who passed by Alicante (we are only 5 mins from the airport) to stop in and have a beer!


  • Aw Lee that's lovely of you and we will if we get over to Spain. Brexit grrr - we voted remain but can understand people wanted to believe the dream. Still not something we tend to discuss as we want to stay friends! 

    I imagine this thread is a link to your dad even though we haven't met we feel connected. As you see I still post and if I see another new post on the site from someone in a similar position I do reply just so they know that they aren't alone. 

    It's 37 years since my mum died from Breast cancer - diagnosed in September 1985, operation in October. They went to Tenerife in January 1986 and she became ill in March and died in the July. Something you don't get over but learn to live again just differently. 

     Yes so far so good and we have just celebrated Kev's 65th birthday with a family get together in Stratford upon Avon. Just keep going with everything crossed. He certainly went through the mill having 3 major operations in eight weeks and five weeks later starting chemo again. He has gained some weight back and is now about 7lbs lighter than before this all happened. 

    Life can certainly be fragile. Your mum will have good and bad days she has lost her other half. My dad struggled - he was 57 and still working but found being part of a bowls club helped and we like you supported him. Your dad would want you to enjoy your life Lee, he lives on in you. 

    Take care

    keeping the faith


  • Hi Milly

    i have another 9 weeks of chemo to go and yes my attitude hasn't changed , hope you and yours are well , i will start posting again regularly , i currently have several stage one tumours the largest being 2.4 centimetres some have already been stopped in their tracks in the first 9 weeks so i hope it continues , oncologists must be the least positive profession in the NHS as they never seem to want to spin you a positive vibe , but hey ho i just get on with it 

    kind regards



  • Thanks Milly,


    Take care



  • Hi everybody,

    It's with complete anguish that I'm letting you know my step dad passed away today just 15 weeks after diagnosis. The pain is immeasurable.

    God bless you all x

  • My sincerest condolences Oceandrive.


  • Afternoon everyone, hope you're all OK and continuing to truck along in only the way those of us in and amongst the Roller Coaster club can !

    Lee, so good to see your name pop up and that you're OK mate - thanks for staying close to us on the journey and encouraging everyone through !

    Doogreg, how're you getting on with the fight ? I'm sure you're throwing everything at it and getting it done. 

    Oceandrive, sincerest condolences to you and thank you for letting us know.

    Hilts and Andi hope you're both OK and trucking on too.

  • Hi all,

    Just checking in to see how you all are doing? We are chugging along and still keeping everything crossed. Kev has a check up on 26th April with Oncology. Hilts I hope you and your husband are doing ok. It's approaching two years since Kev had his Oesophagectomy. 

    Keeping the faith for everyone 



  • Hi Milly !

    Thats brilliant Kev is approaching his two year milestone ! It sounds like he's doing brilliantly and smashing it - thank you for the update !

    Hope you both had a great Easter Weekend too.