osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Everyone,

    The big day arrives on Tuesday, being admitted on Monday just wondering what people took into hospital to keep occupied, or what they wished they had taken in? Secondly did anyone have a change in there voice after the operation. Because of covid im trying to take in as much as possible as there are no visitors allowed. Been advised i will be in at least 14 days, so any tips, advice greatly appreciated.

  • OMG Ray, 

    I was just thinking about you ! I was thinking about your op and birthday!!! Don't worry though, not a pervo/stalker!!! I was coming on to post to you and there you were.

    Anyhows- what to take in?. He took in a book, pants n t- shirts- that was it. - he was in a gown for 3 days.Small toilet bag. and essential ear plugs- quite noisy in there.TBH he had no time to do much. Between post op physio's getting him up & walking the ward,the next day and everyday after. He slept a lot. He also chatted with the blokes in the ward, who were all having the same op. I did take him a paper in everyday and a latte after day 3. They chucked him out on day 7! Probably on the early side as it was xmas eve! Your phone, charger and headphones= essential. We also did Skype calls for kid purposes as only one visitor allowed.

    No change in voice, but an annoying cough. Which improves hugely with his chemo Dex.

    He had a great histology and is now doing the post op chemo. Which of course is great fun.....  not. He is even almost mastering the post op eating- he's managed curry, pie n mash, gravy dinners etc. At the start is was all mush, but by week 6 he was on everything. He gets dumping ( what a surprise), but I really getting to grips with it.

    So , good luck Ray and a 'happy' birthday. Getting rid of the *** will be the best present.

  • Wishing you all the best of luck for your op Ray, do come back and let us know how you are getting on when you feel able to do so! We are all rooting for you x

  • Thank you for your comments and advice, will keep you informed of my progress.

  • Hi Ray 

    we are all thinking about you today , i am sure all will be fine and look forward to hearing how you are doing in weeks to come , take care


  • Hi Ray, just wondering how you are getting on? Hopefully you are recovering well. 

  • Hi there  I have been diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus been waiting from march last yr and finally this Thurs having my 3rd gastroscopy feeling very scared and worried and waiting for CT scan 

  • Hi Rivers, 

    Is this your 3rd monitoring scope? , do they do. CT as part of that monitoring. Of course you're scared and very worried. Completely human reaction, I never say 'don't worry' to people as it about as useful a comment as a chocolate fire guard, along with 'coping' and 'strong' what on earth do they mean.....lol. 

    During this whole affair, I found the only thing that help at all is distraction. Doing something, anything to interrupt that constant stream of (understandable) thoughts.

    i will be a wreck once we are done with treatment for the 'monitoring' appointments every 3 months aarrrgg. Wondering if any little cells hiding under little toe are moving to set up home.

    But what else can we do, but keeping plodding on .

  • Hi hilts yes it my 3rd one hope I kk I new to all this on here it's nice to actually  talk to someone who understands  thank you .


    Hi Everyone,I had my operation on the 23rd of Febuary and went from the theatre (10 hours) into ICU. The operation, Im told wasn't straight forward, a piece of my lung was taken and my appendix. The following day I was moved into the (gastro) ward where it was planned I would stay there until I was discharged. Unforunatley on the first day back on the ward I had my first little walk with the phsyio team and after sitting down my breathing rappidly decreased and I was sent back into ICU for a further 3 days. After that I stayed on the gastro ward until my discharge on the 2nd of March, a total of 8 days! I was origially told at least 2 weeks and up to 4 if there were complications. I have had a terrible cough since the op, has anyone else suffered this? Im finding it hard to sleep, more because of the cough than the op. I was catheterised for 2 weeks which was one of the worst things ever!!!!!  I have gradually been put on solid foods as well as peg feeding during the night, so my diet is varied and good. Its been a bit of a bumpy road, I have my good days and bad but I have received 6 star service of the hospital, to who I am most grateful. Sorry for the delay in replying to this forum, but its took time to get into new routines but im getting there. next step  results from what was taken and chemo within a 12 week window. How is everyone getting on ?