osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • hi Hilts

    hope everything is going ok , everything has gone quiet on this page 

    kind regards


  • Hi Doug, 

    it has gone all quiet on here. I always think it means 3 things 1) we are all trucking along and are in reasonably good places. 2) We are mid treatment and crawling through a surreal twilight zone or 3) We all have popped off!!!- i have nightmares about 'chatting' on a thread only to find the person has checked out!!.

    As an ex nurse I have always had a rather dark sense of humour, then this diagnosis, we'll if you can't laugh what can you do eh!
    Anyhows, we are quiet, because we are good. Recovery continues, although he has a nasty 'rash' on his gut- not the wounds, I reckon it is an allergy to all the tape n stuff, annoying rather than problematic. He is walking much further now and is back driving

    Food ' discovery' is going well. He is managing to hang on to weight, only lost 6lbs since August. He even managed ( I told him not to!) eat a pie!! - left off the mash, but plenty of gravy and ate the lot!!! I despair sometimes- he only got (this time) a slightly raised heart rate. He was very pleased.

    Oncology appointment on Wednesday, to discuss if any further chemo needed. We are expecting it, despite the good pathology. In for penny and all that.

    Will update then. 

  • hi Hilts

    thats good to hear , anyway i am also doing great no more hospital visits until June you both take cars and keep in touch




  • hi RayB

    i just seen your post , i was wondering what had happened to you , i am gladf you coped with the chemo  and are getting your surgery soon , as i mentioned before its nothing to worry about ,if i can cope with it anyone can , the whole hospital episode just whizzes bye and before you know yit you are back at home , anyhow take it easy and keep us updated during your recovery.




  • Hi Douglas

    Nice to hear from you,I was at the hospital on friday gone and met the surgeon and team members my operation has been put back a week due to the COVID crisis.Yes taking it easy lol will stay in touch.





  • Hi Rayb, good to hear you are ok. My husband is due to have his third EOX cycle next week (delayed a week due to unpleasant tummy side effects) his appetite came back slowly this week during the break, and he is managing to get some soft foods down, we actually had shepherds pie dinner together last  night woop woop! 

    I love hearing everyones updates, this is a difficult time for everyone, more so for cancer sufferers and its good to talk, and be in it together. Take care everyone. 

  • Hi RayB and Hilts

    Just thought i would add a picture of me taken today 7 months post op as a positive piece of encouragement that things will return to normal over time rather than looking like you had escaped from somewhere , chin up everyone and keep posting.




  • Good to see you looking well Douglas  

    my husband has had a weeks break from his chemo meds, and is already feeling more energy, more appetite and this has inspired us that he will only feel so awful during treatment but that at the end he will hopefully recover well, as you are. 


  • Hi Daisy 

    thanks i just posted the photo to show that your hair does grow back and that the wrinkles sunken eyes and hollow cheeks do eventually start to fade , i know it can be quite a shock to friends and family the changes to your appearance during treatment and a wee bit distressing  as you wonder is this it for me , it did stop me going out in public for a few months but hey ho thats in the past and people recognise me easily now altough i still am 18kg lighter but all the better for it , anyhow if you need any support during your journey  just ask as i have told others i am happy to help, take care and god bless.



  • Update from the front line!
    hi all, 

    Went to see oncology today for next phase. Told us that he is disease free yay,pathology and response to chemo was all brilliant. BUT, there is always one!. They have said that standard treatment is now to give 4 more FLOT. The reason being that some of the clever little f**kers maybe hiding somewhere or are so small that they are undetectable, so just in case they have plans of setting up home they nuke them.

    We were expecting it, so not a shock, but we are trying to get our head around that this is actually good news!
    He is quite 'upset' about going through another 4. I really get what he means. It will soak in for sure.

    Hospital described it as a standard offer and belt n braces.

    So good, but we feel a little deflated