Borderline ovarian cyst

Hi everyone I'm 57 and just been diagnosed with borderline ovarian cyst. What a shock!,wasn't expecting that. In March I noticed my stomach was bloated and large but thought it was due to the constipation I was suffering from.after phoning doctors as they were not seeing patients I had consultation with doctor over phone. Was given lactulose to help with the constipation and sent for bloods. Ca125 came back as normal but things didn't get better. More phone consultations with doctors given fybrogel nothing was working and I had a pain on my left side which then moved to the right. In may I telephoned Doctor again and asked if they were seeing patients as I definitely needed someone to take a look at my stomach doctor eventually said he would but would be sending me for a scan anyway. It was decided that I would be better just going to the scan. I paid private for the scan and was told I had a large 25cm multicystic ovarian cyst.i was fast tracked through the nhs as couldn't go private as all private had gone across to nhs. Lots of stressful phone calls at a time when I could have done without it. Had gynaecology appointment then mri. Results borderline ovarian cyst. Needs removing asap am now waiting for a date as with the coronavirus everything is slower. Feel let down and as if healthcare is only bothered about the virus. But resigned to just waiting for my op


  • Hi Jackban 

    Just wanted to update you on my surgery I will

    be going in on monday now.

    Im very nervous but least i will be getting it over with. Im worried they will wake me up to bad news its so frightening. I know i need to hope for the best and think positive thankyou for all your help and advise it means so much xxxxx 

  • Hi


    thats great news that you are having it done next Monday. I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think it will be. The way I try to get through these things are to think by next Tuesday you will be on your way to recovery.try not to worry about the op and focus on getting better and being cancer free. I'll be thinking of you on Monday and let me know when you can how everything goes for you . Sending big hugs  

  • Thanks so much jackban you are a lovely person and always give great advice x I will definitely keep you updated on my surgery hopefully everything will be ok. Hope your recovery is going well  big hugs to you also xxxxx

  • I am in the same position- started to feel really bloated in September, all GP test were normal. I asked for a scan and was told that would take 3-6 months on the NHS, so I had a private ultrasound that showed a large mass from my right ovary to upper abdomen. I only found out when I asked for a private referral letter that bilateral dermoid cysts were detected on a scan I had in October 2020 when I had extreme pain on the left side - which was put done as a suspect kidney stone that had passed, not the radiology department or the GP told me I had these big cysts 5x5 and 6x8 in 2020, I feel totally let down by the health service! I have since had MRI and CT scan which shows a football sized suspicious ovarian cyst from my right ovary, I am due to have a full hysterectomy and removal of the cysts on the 9 December. They did all the same warning with me. If this wasn't enough to deal with and process, I also lost my mum on 11 November and her funeral is the same day as my surgery. I'm so upset about it all. 

  • So sorry to hear you are going through all this.are you going private for the op? Ask if they will rearrange the op so you can go to the funeral it's important that you are able to say your goodbyes and grieve. Try not to worry about the op it's not as bad as you are probably imagining it to be. Sending positive thoughts and big hugs xx

  • Wishing you all the best for your op tomorrow try not to worry all will be well. Sending big hugs

  • Thank you Jackban I am currently in bed with my daughter tucked up ready for tomorrow. Ive packed my bag and got prepared, my parents will be collecting me first thing as got to be there for 7 they told me im first down which is a good thing i suppose no waiting around. Im super scared more for what they will find or what they have to do im so scared about the what ifs!! Its so much information to take in. I dont want to wake up to be told bad news after already having a major operation. I need to just deal with it when it comes and think positive right now im just been treated for a borderline cyst. I was so positive with this until i met with the nurses who inform you of all the what ifs and my mind set totally shifted. Anyway enough going on I will keep you updated Jackban hope your feeling better and taking things easy. Thankyou for all your lovely kind words and support and advice. Speak soon xxxxx 

  • Hi kazza44 so sorry to hear your going thru all this. I totally get how confusing anf upsetting all this can be, Ive been on a rollercoaster the last 10 weeks and its been very emotional for me and all my family. Tomorrow is the day I will finally know what  is going on scary but at least ill have answers and can move on. Its the mental upset thats worse not knowing and thenbeen told it could be or it might not be ?? Its alot to deal with. Im so sorry to hear about your mum i cant even imagine how you must be feeling big hugs xxx im no good with advice as im the biggest worrier in the world but all i can say is try keep busy ive been living as normal not letting it all consume my energy. Good luck with everything xxxxx 

  • Hi Jackban 

    hope your well, just an update i had my surgery yesterday! No way as bad as i thought you was right about that so thanks for your good advice and kind words. 
    i had everything removed including lymph nodes in the pelvis im sore but managing it with my painkillers. I have spoken to my consultant and he said they still couldnt be sure if the mass was borderline or cancer so they removed everything yo be sent of. This confused me as i presumed he was only moving the nodes if they were cancer but he said nownhes removed everything if it is cancer nonmore surgery will be needed just chemo. I still don't ny have the answer until biopsy back did this happen to you Jackban ?? Good news is im going home thursday all been well and no signs of spread in my appendix or bowel going to keep looking at the positives xxxxx 

  • Fantastic news. I had everything removed but not lymph nodes. They have to send off to histology which will tell the, what the cyst actually is. Mine was borderline so no more treatment didn't need chemo. I get my results from the kidney cancer tomorrow that went to histology so that will determine whether I need anything else doing but they don't do chemo for that. Think it's more to do with the likelihood of it returning. Do t worry too much about the what ifs like I said before you can only deal with something when you actually know what it is. Get yourself home and rest don't over do things do it gently and don't rush your recovery. Sending big hugs Jackie xx