Borderline ovarian cyst

Hi everyone I'm 57 and just been diagnosed with borderline ovarian cyst. What a shock!,wasn't expecting that. In March I noticed my stomach was bloated and large but thought it was due to the constipation I was suffering from.after phoning doctors as they were not seeing patients I had consultation with doctor over phone. Was given lactulose to help with the constipation and sent for bloods. Ca125 came back as normal but things didn't get better. More phone consultations with doctors given fybrogel nothing was working and I had a pain on my left side which then moved to the right. In may I telephoned Doctor again and asked if they were seeing patients as I definitely needed someone to take a look at my stomach doctor eventually said he would but would be sending me for a scan anyway. It was decided that I would be better just going to the scan. I paid private for the scan and was told I had a large 25cm multicystic ovarian cyst.i was fast tracked through the nhs as couldn't go private as all private had gone across to nhs. Lots of stressful phone calls at a time when I could have done without it. Had gynaecology appointment then mri. Results borderline ovarian cyst. Needs removing asap am now waiting for a date as with the coronavirus everything is slower. Feel let down and as if healthcare is only bothered about the virus. But resigned to just waiting for my op


  • Hi Jackban 

    hope you dont mind me messaging. I seen you have been bery supportive to other members so hope you dont mind me asking you for a bit of advice. 
    im very confused i have just been told by consultant i have a borderline tumour she said its not bengin and its not cancer (confusing) she said they need to do surgery most likely remove my ovaries as its sitting on them but i will discuss with consultant at meeting in 2 weeks. Im just so scared im 39 with a daughter age 11 and its just me and her i keep thinking the worst. The consultant said you go down the fata track route even tho its a borderline tumour which has confused me more. How was surgery for you the docotr said i may need full hysterectomy as my tube is also looking damaged but i knew this already as i had my daughter thru ivf due to damaged tubes 11 years ago seh said its all most likely connected. Consultant said try not to worry as mri shows no spread of cancer its only showing a borderline tumour. Its al so confusing any advice would be much appreciated i would be very grateful xx

  • Hi so sorry you are going through this. I had a 27cm borderline ovarian cyst in 2020. Not the best time to have something serious. I had full hysterectomy both ovaries tubes cervix and omentum removed. I know it's hard not to worry but the operation was not as bad as I envisaged. The pain was not bad either I think a positive attitude helps. I probably like you had the way me I'm going to die. I then had a word with myself and decided I couldn't change what was happening and just took each day as it came. I was positive and I didn't push my body after it's not a race. I'm 2 years since my op now and unfortunately have just had. Stage 1 kidney cancer removed 31st October so just got home from hospital it's not related and once again I'm lucky there is no spread so I'm just doing the same staying positive and taking each day as it comes.sending you big hugs message me whenever you want it's always nice to hear of others positive experiences

  • Hi Jackban

    thank you so much for getting back to me. Im so sorry to hear your going thru all this again you have been on a journey I can see. Big hugs and love x thank you for you for the advice im going to do exactly that keep positive and stay strong nothing can be changed xx my consultant called me last night to say I will be attending my first appoint to discuss the operation and what he thinks should be removed and what's best for me. Hopefully I'm praying it won't be too long after that this t have my operation. He did say that there are a no spread or signs of cancer it's a 10cm cyst on my left ovarie and surgery should be the only treatment I am hoping this stays the same and I make a full recovery. I will keep this group updated as it's nice to hear peoples stories, I wish you a full healthy recovery and you continue to be the strong person you are xxxxxxz

  • Hello Everyone, 

    I'm 35 years old & had one of ovaries removed 3 weeks ago, along with a fallopian tube & an ovarian cyst which was 12cm x 25cm, containing 6L of fluid. I've processed all of this & recovery is going really well. 

    Here is my worry, I've been invited back to the rapid access clinic on Tuesday (just shy of 3 weeks post op) and I don't know why? I was told my cyst/cells would be sent away to the lab but I wasn't told of any follow up post operation & I have no idea what to expect. I was told my cyst was borderline & complex & that there wasn't any need for a biopsy on my other ovary. 

    If I'm honest, I hadn't thought of anything beyond the surgery as that was all that was discussed & I had been keeping positive about being able to keep 1 of my ovaries in the hope I can have children. 

    I'd be really grateful if anyone could tell me why I would need to see my consultant again or share any experiences they had post op. 


  • Hi


    whhen I had mine removed I was called back for my results and also to check everything was going as it should be. Hopefully that's what your appointment is for sorry can't remember how long after it was but mine was a bigger op with more things being removed. Try stay -o sit ive and not worry about the what ifs. Easier said than done I know but until they tell you something you can only deal with what you know at this present time. Sending big hugs  

  • Hi Jackban 

    hooe your recovery is going well and your starting to feel healthy  again. Xx 

    just wanted to update you on my journey and ask you some advice . I have my surgery date now and have agreed to a full hysterectomy just incase the boarderline tumour returns. What im confused about is the consultant said when he does these surgeries if he finds signs of cancer he needs permission to remove it he said something about nodes but he also said if the cancer has spread to the bowel he would cut it away but could mean i would need a stoma bag if it couldnt be rejoined, he did say this is very rare and most likely wouldnt be the case but they need to inform patients of this. This absolutely frightened me as the thought of suregery is scary enough did you get informed of this ?? He said everyone having this kind of surgery is informed of this im just really confused and upset ive just got my head round having a full hysterectomy and now im panicking i may need even bigger surgery. 
    your advice would be greatly appreciated as im very worried and upset xxxx 

    thank you in advance xx 

  • Hi


    Yes it's normal for them to ask your permission. It was the same for me for both ops. They will look at the lymph nodes to see if there is anything there this is important as this is the way it can s-read through your lymphatic system I think. Everyone is told the risk they have to when performing surgery but they are very low. I'm sure you will be fine but you have to think if it has spread and they need to do these things is it not better for them to do them and be cancer free.when is your surgery date? I had open surgery and to be honest it was no way as bad as I expected and my recovery was good. Try not to worry too much. Message me whenever. Sending big hugs  

  • Thankyou so much for replying to me you are truly a kind hearted caring lady, your going thru your own health battles and you still reply to other people to help them and ease there minds. I am so happy your surgery is going well and your feeling better amazing news xxxx thats a relief as i was very worried why they was asking me to do this, did you save your bowels on both operations? Im bery worried and scared but i totally understand i need to do what's necessary to save my life. My operation is booked for the beginning of December not had confirmation date yet but consultant said he will get me in then. I never asked what surgery you have for a hysterectomy, do you know ? Sorry to be a pain asking i feel like when i speak to anyone i am so emotional as i take medication for anxiety and can be very panicked, i dont ask what i need too ‍♀️ 
    thankyou for been a supportive member of this chat and always updating as you never hear half the outcomes on here. XXXX

  • Hi


    because my tumour was in the ovary and so big 27cm I had to have a laparotomy which is open surgery. You will probably have laparoscopic which is what I've just had for the kidney cancer. You will be fine it's hard when you've never been through anything like this so don't worry about asking questions I'm happy to try help where I can. 

  • Thankyou So much for getting back to me. You dont know how much your messages have put my mind at ease. I have started  to calm down now and honestly its because of your messages as i know youve been in my position and your sharing your experiences. Thankyou xx I will keep you updated and keep you in my prayers xxxxx