waiting time for MRI scan after GP visit


How long it takes to wait for MRI scan after GP visit? Been to GP for knee and neck/shoulder problems. GP sent request for MRI scan same day. It's been 3 weeks - no letter, no call, no email, nothing.

Is there a way to check online your status.... where you are in the MIR scan queue or when you will receive a letter?

  • Hi Roland

    Sorry to hear that you're having to wait for the scan ordered by your GP. A lot will depend on the urgency of the referral that the GP sent and the waiting list at the hospital. If you are concerned about how long you will have to wait please do get in touch with your GP surgery who will be best placed to advise you further. 

    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hello 

    Maybe it will be worth to give hospital department a call? Explain them that you have been referred but didn`t receive any comms from hospital yet - I`m sure they will be able to help you. 

    I was referred for MRI on 2nd Feb this year and didn`t get any reply up until beg of April co called hospital and it appeared that they never received the letter so my GP requested an urgent scan via email- as that was brain check and then again I called hospital on 3rd of May and again they never got my referral so I called GP PRactice and it appeared that secretary has send an email to hospital only on 1st May- I called hospital once again on the afternoon and was able to book an appointment following weekn while on the call :) 

    Wish you luck with yours! 
