New here and armpit lump

Hi everyone I've had an armpit lump for 4 weeks now went to the doctor on week 2 he gave me antibiotics to see if they got rid of it and told me to make an appointment for a weeks time for if they didn't get rid of it they didn't so week later I was back and he has refereed me to the breast clinic I go on Wednesday 6th Feb 

What will happen at this appointment can the breast consultant feel my'lump and know if it's cancer or not straight away my lump feels hard like it's rooted deep 

Any help or experience with results of cancer not cancer will be a big help 


Look forward to your replies x



  • Hi Babz

    So sorry you are on here but welcome! 

    There are so many ladies here who can support you, whatever the outcome. Your appointment will be with the experts and the tests may well consist of a mammogram and/or ultra sound with a biopsy. This is not painful by the way. The results of this will determine what happens next. Remember though that not all lumps are cancer! Be mindful that you will be in the hands of wonderful people, the breast care nurses are amazing and they truly understand our fears. I found I was much better when I knew what was what. The waiting is the worst part, I know.

    The one thing I regret was that I didn't tell anybody and that was a mistake. Don't feel that you have to be strong on your own. 

    Anyway, I will stop waffling now. Good luck for Wednesday and let us know how you get on.

    C x

  • Hi there Babz,

    Breast clinics seem to differ slightly but certainly all of them will be able to offer a physical exam and also an ultrasound (if required).  Sometimes they are able to tell from just feeling a lump that it is one of a number of non-cancerous conditions, but in most cases they would still look for other evidence to rule out cancer.  The ultrasound may be enough to do that.  However, they may also want a mammogram and possibly a biopsy.  Some breast clinics offer these too, whereas at ours that requires a referral to another department within the hospital.

    Not sure if you're worried or embarrassed about the physical exam aspect but please don't be, their job is literally seeing breasts all day!

    Ultimately it is statistically unlikely to be breast cancer, most lumps are something else, and swollen lymph nodes are particularly common in the armpit (they don't always go back down quickly either) but always best to be checked out obviously.

    Even if your worst fears were realised, breast cancer is not the diagnosis today that it was years ago and still treatment is coming on leaps and bounds.  But no point discussing that just now unless you really want to, best wait till you get seen.

    Best wishes for Wednesday, it's a day where it seems a lot of us are waiting for results on something or other.

    Let us know how you get on?


  • Morning thank you for your replies I'll be taking my husband with me worse thing is my appointment is at 330pm so it will be a long day I'm at work also so hoping being at work will help keep it off my mind 

    If I have a biopsy done how long for the results I've already waited 11 days from getting appointment letter to actual appointment and that has been awful 2 days to go now wish it was Wednesday already

  • Hi 

    I have recently been to breast clinic,they felt my lump and referred me for a scan 

    Hope that helps x

  • Thanks Lee B 

    Wednesday can't come quick enough it really can't x

  • Hi all had my appointment yesterday 

    It's a Sebaceous cyst that I have to have an operation to remove and have it tested I'll be going in in the next 6-8 weeks I had my pre op done yesterday as well so it's now waiting for hospital operation letter I've never been in hospital or had an operation so I've gone from nervous for yesterday's appointment to nervous again for the operation

  • Hi Babz86

    You will be nervous but great news that it is a cyst. It is good that it will be looked at properly after removal too. The more information the experts have, the better. 

    Stay in touch for all the great support here.

    C x

  • The way the Mods on here welcome people on here is a joke - Cold, as if it's a good thing to be here. 


    "So sorry you are on here but welcome!"


    Thats how it should be done. Said with compassion & understanding - sympathy; when greeting people who are facing the unthinkable if not worse.