Tonsil Cancer.


I am due to start treatment for Tonsil Cancer, (T2N2M0) having a RIG feeding tube put in on the 11th January and Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy commencing on the 14th. The chemo is once weekly for 6 weeks and radiotherapy is every week day for 6 weeks. 

I am determined to remain as upbeat and positive as I can but am extremely apprehensive....I'm sure this is normal though !! 

Any hints or tips would be gratefully received  

  • Thank you  


  • Hi,

    I am halfway through treatment for tonsil cancer. I'be had one chemo and am due another on Wednesday. I have also had half of my 30 radiotherapy treatments. 

    So far things are ok. I have mucositis and tea and chocolate have turned against me - the saddest blow of all. I have taken Omeprozole for the last couple of years on and off for acid reflux and that has really made a difference, one at night and in the morning.

    It is scary but I am trying to stay upbeat too. No operations and I get to keep my hair and teeth so I know I'm lucky.

    Keep in touch. Good luck!


  • Hi

    i am. 16 weeks post radiotherapy for cancer if the rightbronsil and lymph nodes welcome tomthe club that no one wants to join but there a small bunch of us in here thatbshare tips. And moans.

    i have written a week by week almost blog

    plus anither by Gary is

    giid luck and positive mental attitude gets us all there it’s nit an easy road  but me a 61 year old wimp if a female can do it anyone can




  • Thanks Allie,

    Have you had RIG fitted ? 

    I am not looking forward to that, or any of it to be honest !! Mind you, who would !  

    Its the unknown I am hoping that once my treatment actually starts I will feel a little calmer about it. 

    Is Acid Reflux likely ? How are your swallow and taste buds etc etc ? 


  • Thanks Hazel,

    I will do it !! And will remain as positive as I can. Although I am not ashamed to admit that I'm terrified. Any tips for coping with being "bolted" down to the bed for radiotherapy ? 

    Did you have any chemotherapy ? 

  • Hi

    treat the mask has a friend as that’s what it is it safes your  life. 

    The radiotherapy teams are brilliant at their jobs. Re bolting down it’s a quick process the actual radiotherapy is the length of 2/3 songs. Leeds allowed me to take my own c d in so ask if they have a c d player. I used to take myself mentally in a bike ride or walk. Also practise yoga breathing breathe in hold for 3 then slow release . 

    Its nothing to be afraid of it’s going to  safe your life. 

    Read ny blog but don’t be scared 



  • HI

    sorry didn’t reply to chemotherapy,yes I had 2 sessions different hospital s hsve different policies.Mine was cisplatin delivered in normally 3 batches of 33% a time , but my consultant evelautes each  patient after  2  doses  in my case Larry the lymph node which alerted me to the entire problem disappeared by week 3 of radiotherapy,so we jointly took the decision not to have the 3 rd sessions .the side affects could outweigh the benefits ,I had been relatively lucky with my2  big doses ,no ringing ears *** and I only had  a fleeting moment if feeling sick. I was quite  relive at bybthe time came round for what would have been m 3 rd re chemo inhad a 3 rd degree radiation burn in my neck and full length of my tongue was burned .but it was necessary to take the margins of treatment that far to hopefully eradicate the cancer.

    do yiu know yet if your are. H p v 16 + it’s usually tested at the begin)no if so it does make a difference or so the experts say to full recovery could be worth asking. 

    Where in the U.K. are you ?



  • Hi Hazel,

    Thank you. The advice about Radiotherapy has helped. I am confident that once I start treatment I will be feeling more relaxed about it, it's the waiting and the unknown that's difficult at the moment.

    I'm scheduled for chemotherapy, also cisplatin, every Monday for 6 weeks, starting next Monday. 

    I am going into hospital (just over night) on Friday as I am being fitted with a RIG feeding tube. 

    Yes, I am HPV16 positive and I am in Norfolk. 

  • We Hi

    good luck for Friday , I don’t get offered a a rig as consultant was confident I would have swallow function which to be fair I did but ended  up with a feeding tube for 45 days not  the most pleasant thing. 

    Just take  each step as it comes , radiotherapy isn’t as bad as the fear of it take it from me who used to run away from dentist chair ,positive mental attitude will get you through it. HPV 16+ which is am and also T2N2NM0 so we could  be twins. lol. 

    Anything you need to know just shout out between us we should be able to help or point you in the right direction best bit of advise for next weeks eat as much as you can and enjoy it .

    remember there’s is light at the end if the tunnel 




  • Thank you Hazel, you're very kind.  

    I will message if I need any advice, my link nurse is brilliant but it's nice to "chat" with people who have been through it x

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