Newly diagnosed with breast cancer and waiting for Scans

I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer but waiting for scans to check if it has spread elsewhere, I don’t feel well and feel like it has spread and am really worried what the results will be. At the moment it’s a large lump and has spread to the lymph node so starting chemo first, even though I pretty much knew it it’s been a very tough week 

I am positive about the treatment but just terrified this is going to change when they see if it has spread... the waiting is hurrendous... trying to have fun with my kids,work and keep busy but just walking around in a daze and trance... 

  • Hi Jolamine. 
    No they just said the results would be passed to my consultant, they have their MDT meetings every Tuesday and then the follow up meeting will be on a Wednesday, so hopefully next Wednesday or the week after. But all scans done and after being told a few days ago they were unable to book me in until the 27th May for my coil removal I have had that removed today, so just got to wait for the consultant appointment now, going back into the office until that appointment just to put some sort of normality into my days and hopefully reduce the worrying a little.


    thank you so much for all your support and I hope you are well xxx






    Hi Kerry,

    I am glad to hear that you had your coil removed today - just shows what can be done and, so much better than waiting until 27th May! It is probably a good idea to get back to work and a sense of normality to help pass the waiting time until you get your results.

    Don't forget to let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I have had Breast cancer 22 years ago now it's back in different Breast im71 and had a ct scan week last Friday to see if it has spread I have not slept since with worry I am so stressed and frightened.I had chemo and radiation treatment last time and took Tom tabs for 5 years I have one beautiful daughter and she is out of her mind with worry .I would like to know many people get a good result with a ct scan I feel more frightened this time around than last .I feel ok in myself I am eating ok cleaning shopping and ironing but I think this time around it made it worse as I lost my husband 10 years ago with Lung cancer and having terrible problems with a neighbour that lives by me she has threatened me sent me disgusting letters saying she hoped my cancer would come back so any help or advice please would be helpful thank you







    Hi Lyndia,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am so sorry to hear about the situation you find yourself in. Can I ask what type and grade of breast cancer you had last time? I  am 72 and have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 12 years. I agree that the second is eveny more scary than the first. 

    I am not a doctor, but looking at things rationally, I would be less worried to have a new cancer in a different breast, than to have one that had spread in my original one. The fact that you are keeping well and able to do all of you day to day chores is heartening.  Have you been for tests yet or are you waiting for an appointment at the breast clinic?

    You have been through such a lot over the years. I am so sorry to hear about your husband, although I'm glad to hear that you still have your beautiful daughter for support.. Try not to worry about your neighbour. Her actions sound disgusting. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx