Newly diagnosed with breast cancer and waiting for Scans

I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer but waiting for scans to check if it has spread elsewhere, I don’t feel well and feel like it has spread and am really worried what the results will be. At the moment it’s a large lump and has spread to the lymph node so starting chemo first, even though I pretty much knew it it’s been a very tough week 

I am positive about the treatment but just terrified this is going to change when they see if it has spread... the waiting is hurrendous... trying to have fun with my kids,work and keep busy but just walking around in a daze and trance... 

  • I've no idea when I start. I feel so in the dark at the moment. I don't have another appt with consultant till 6th Jan. When I've been told I'll find out more about my treatment plan.

    Hope you don't mind me asking, what symptoms were you having prior to bone scan, ct etc?


  • Hi Luna

    It’s the not knowing that is the worst.  Once I knew what they were doing and I had a plan of action I started to feel calmer. 

    I rang the breast cancer helpline a couple of times when I was first diagnosed and stressing out and they were lovely and really helpful. Their number is 0808 800 6000.

    My sister’s friend went through the same this time last year. She had lymph node involvement too and had chemo first and then a mastectomy and was given the all clear in September.

    I had a Diep Flap reconstruction at the same time as the mastectomy and it is amazing what they can do now. I’ve got an appointment with the plastic surgeon at the end of Jan to discuss symmetry surgery and nipple reconstruction. 

    Let us know how you get on tomorrow xx

  • I am so scared about tomorrow. I feel physically sick. I just want them to tell me it hasn't spread and then I can focus more and start concentrating on getting better!


  • Hi All 

    just reading all your posts, I had a mammogram & biopsy over a week ago and was told it is breast cancer and the lymph nodes that were taken were clear but that's not anything to go by, I have a coil fitted which they say can affect the readings so have to have it removed and have to go for an MRI @ CT scan, I am really scared it has spread as my back is in agony at the moment but wasn't there before so hopefully it is anxiety and stress. The doctor didn't give me any stage as to what it was at as she has said the lump is about 2 1/2 cms and they want to check it isn't any larger, are the scans standard at this stage and is anyone else at this stage as at the moment I am so scared it has spread and untreatable, don't think I have ever been so scared and cried so much.


    lots of love 


    Kerry xxx


    HI Kerry,

    The scans are perfectly routine and give a clearer view of the lesions. They probably want to wait until your coil is removed before giving you a grade. The way you feel is also very normal. It is impossible not to be worried with so many unknowns flying around in your head.

    I have had a number of these scans within the past 11 years and cancer has only been present twice. We all tend to think the worst at this stage, but fortunately, this seldom comes to pass.

    Here's hoping for a better outcome.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine

    Thank you for your encouraging words, hope you are okay x my middle of my shoulder blades are aching and just worrying it has spread, just feel so emotional at the moment and scared not sleeping xx 

    lots of love 

    Kerry xx 


    Hi Kerry,

    I am not a doctor, but I understand from the many posts that I've read here throughout the years, that pain does not usually accompany breast cancer, so let's hope that this is so in your case.

    I wish that there was something that I could do to help you through this awful waiting stage. Unfortunately, we all have to go through these emotions, but things will improve once you know what you're dealing with.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Kerry

    I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this but I echo what Jolamine has said. Whilst I was waiting for my results I had awful pain in my chest and neck and obviously thought the worst. I had never suffered with anxiety before so didn’t realise that it could cause actual physical pain. I made the mistake of turning to Dr Google whilst I was waiting for my results and disagnosed myself with the worst BC there is! I also had a MRI and CT scan before my op. It’s good news that your lymph nodes are clear.

    The waiting is the hardest thing ever. Once you know what you’re dealing with and have a plan of action it will start to get better. 

    Take care and stay strong.

    Alison xx

  • Hi All 


    hope you are all well xx 

    I have spoken to my nurse today and feel a little better. She said that the lymph nodes that were taken at the biopsy were clear but they had two areas of concern the lump in my breast and under my arm, but the tests were inconclusive not sure what that means. The other concern was they thought it was about 7 cms not 2 1/2 as originally thought that is why they want to do the MRI & CT scan also mentioned that they thought it was duct related. Got my blood test tomorrow so once that is done I can hopefully push for my CT scan and MRI just want to know what I am dealing with and get a plan had a couple of mini meltdowns today but feeling better tonight.





  • Hi Kerry,

    Many thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that your chat with the nurse made you feel a little better today. It is great to hear that the lymph nodes tested at biopsy were all clear and, I hope that your blood tests tomorrow don't show up anything untoward.

    It is always unsettling when your test results come back as inconclusive, but you shouldn't have too long to wait for your CT and MRI and, hopefully they'll help to clarify things for you. It will be so much easier once you know exactly what you are dealing with.
    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx