Urgent referral after ultrasound - trying not to worry

Hi there,

Following a transvaginal ultrasound on the weekend my GP called to tell me that she was making a 'fast-track' 2 week referral to the gynaecologist (they've now also called and I've got an appointment Wednesday next week). It's knocked me for six a bit and although I'm thankful that the wait isn't too long it feels like forever and I'm finding it tough, knowing that the 2 week referral can be because cancer is a possibility.

I've been getting symptoms (spotting and a bit of pain in my pelvic area) for around 6 months and in October had the most excruciating period pains and heavy bleeding, which has happened every month but one since. I knew something was up as that's not normal for me, so saw the doc in Feb, who referred me for the ultrasound. I'd convinced myself that my symptoms pointed to endometriosis, so when the ultrasound technician mentioned that I'd be referred to a gynaecologist to talk to me about my uterus lining, and she seemed surprised that I hadn't been experiencing symptoms for longer, I figured that maybe it was endo.

Then I got the call from my GP yesterday to say that the ultrasound showed thickened uterus lining and said she was making an urgent referral to gynaecologist, where they may do MRI or hysteroscopy. She mentioned a one-stop shop, not sure what that means? She then mentioned something about that they may find it's fibroids or polyps, but that they need to rule out cancer too. It was the secretary who called to book me in for the gynae appointment, and she said I'd be sent a letter with more info, so I guess that may give me a better idea of what tests they might do and what will happen at the appointment? 

Tried to talk to my mum about it to relieve my worries but she lives a long way away and is quite matter of fact about medical issues (she had problems with fibroids and had to have a hysterectomy, so has been through similar), which I do appreciate but I felt I wanted to be able to talk her about it more. 

Sorry for long post, would really love to hear from anyone who's been through/ going through similar. Just reading other's posts has been a big help.


  • Omg same here I have a 2 week appointment referral appointment next Friday. I did get my ca125 back and was normal but on getting a copy of my US scan and TV scan for something else, a solid component was spotted in my cyst one I knew I had, it’s not grown but as my sister has ovarian cancer at 48 I cannot help worrying. I was feeling positive when I got the blood result but now I am reading you can have a normal result and still have cancer so now back to thinking of nothing else doing my head in. Googling all the time, even though I shouldn’t 


    i have to agree with previous comments whatever happens this cyst this cyst has to come out I can’t go through this ever again, actually considering ovaries coming out.

  • I am nearly 2 months into my 2 week referral and haven't seen a specialist yet - only he can give me the results apparantly, so I know my CA is raised  but no idea how much, or what the MRi showed.

    I am thinking Ovarian cancer too and terrified as post menopausal.  The odder Unidentified Objects that apeared on the ultrasound are the worry rather than the simple cysts and fibroids,  but google does tell me that a lot of odd solid masses can be benign too. So I'm hoping.  I guess they will have to remove them  to confirm, and perhaps I get the option of everything due to age?  No idea.  I am glad of google or I would have no information, at least it lets me work out what the options may be so I don't go blank when I finally see the consultant and I can make the most of my 20 mins or whatever you get.


  • I got my ca125 results by text so maybe there is hope. I do hope you get seen soon


    mine is a simple cyst or was on my last scan 6 months ago so if this cancer it has grown fast, I don’t have any specific symptoms I went because of pain my right side my cyst is left, but because of my sister he did the TV scan as well, I suppose I should be grateful 


    i am also post menopausal and that is a concern with cysts

  • I have never had an ultrasound before so I wonder if I probably had a  completely dfferent set of cysts 5 years  ago and I was oblivious.   The cysts were incidental findings and have sort of taken over now they have been found.  My  pains were always Left sided but stopped after menopause, the current/remaining cysts are on the right.   They said  5 - 6 cm so small, but they don't look small when I draw them all out, and wonder how on earth so many of us accommodate these and the associated worry! 

    I am thinking with myself that  perhaps if it is something perhaps its a chance to catch it early, or earlier, than if I hadn't had an ultrasound.  Perhaps a chance to think about removal of things that may be a  problem in the future even - the less to go wrong the better?

    It sounds really  promising that you have a good CA125 and a simple cyst, so I will keep my fingers crossed for you that all is OK XXX

  • Hi i hope everything is ok im wondering if anyone can help i have been getting cyst that pop before every surgery i had a scan on thursday and cyst was found on my ovaries and my doctor rang and said i need to see her ugrently im 27 and my family history with cancer is really bad . Im wondering if i should be worried as i have a 2 year old daughter . But ive been in pain with my pelvis for 6 months i dont eat proper anymore lucky for one meal i have 3 week periods i have ibs aswell so my bowel movemnts keep changing im bloated all the time in pain at work and have take strong tablets can someone please help me . 

  • Hi Mel8

    Try not to worry - easier said than done I know. When I was younger I regularly had small cysts on my ovaries which I was told after ultrasounds were normal - as sometimes the eggs do not release or something and so a cyst forms which will usually disappear within a few cycles - it is normal. Obviously if the cyst doesn't go and keeps growing then they will want to take it out and if it is quite big then this is probably why you have symptoms. We had a girl at work who had this operation recently and hers was massive -  and she is fine now.

    I am menopausal and have a cyst on right ovary which should not be there after menopause.

    They are generally very quick at getting anything of concern sorted out in the NHS gynae - I am assuming you now have a Doctor's appointment to see why is is urgent??

    Hang in there - you are very young so the chances are this will not be anything serious


    Good luck - keep me posted

  • Hi 1william1

    Hope you are well and everything has been resolved now.

    I am in a similar position and waiting for my 2 week appointment at the hospital following a scan that identified calcification of one of my ovaries. 

    I am thinking no matter what happens I would like to get my ovaries removed as I've worried about this before because my mum had ovarian cancer. 

    Have you had your ovaries removed? Was this a straightforward process? 


  • hi

    After 3 scans and alot of back and forth between hospitals and appointments, last just before christmas  I got a letter says they are refering me back to original hospital to go on the waiting list for surgery. The oncology clinic made it clear that if there was something to worry about on the scan i would have to have surgery with them. on the last scan they thought it was thickening of the cyst wall, but the case had to go to the MDT. i am assuming panic is over, but they never say that, i have heard nothing yet. When i discussed  BSO it was a simple day case proceedure though. I am guessing i am ont he 18week wait list.


    I hopw everything goes ok with you the 2 week fast track is scary, just ask lots of questions I did.,  


  • Hi 1william1 

    Thanks for your prompt reply - glad to hear things seem to be working themselves out.

    I will ask about having my ovaries removed at the appointment.  I'm not sure what's going to happen yet. I just got a text, haven't had a letter yet so not sure what is going to happen. Just want to get it over with!

    Thanks again 



  • i get it i was the same, thing is like you i ahd a family history so they have to do this, but once you are on the fast track there is no getting off, the oncologist told me that. It will be quick, i hate to say it but they have targets to meet and you have to have an appointment within 2 weeks. I did get alot of calls in the 2 weeks and my first apppointment was good.


    I wish you luck i hope it all goes well, but like you i justed wanted my ovaries gone so i did not have the worry.