Urgent referral after ultrasound - trying not to worry

Hi there,

Following a transvaginal ultrasound on the weekend my GP called to tell me that she was making a 'fast-track' 2 week referral to the gynaecologist (they've now also called and I've got an appointment Wednesday next week). It's knocked me for six a bit and although I'm thankful that the wait isn't too long it feels like forever and I'm finding it tough, knowing that the 2 week referral can be because cancer is a possibility.

I've been getting symptoms (spotting and a bit of pain in my pelvic area) for around 6 months and in October had the most excruciating period pains and heavy bleeding, which has happened every month but one since. I knew something was up as that's not normal for me, so saw the doc in Feb, who referred me for the ultrasound. I'd convinced myself that my symptoms pointed to endometriosis, so when the ultrasound technician mentioned that I'd be referred to a gynaecologist to talk to me about my uterus lining, and she seemed surprised that I hadn't been experiencing symptoms for longer, I figured that maybe it was endo.

Then I got the call from my GP yesterday to say that the ultrasound showed thickened uterus lining and said she was making an urgent referral to gynaecologist, where they may do MRI or hysteroscopy. She mentioned a one-stop shop, not sure what that means? She then mentioned something about that they may find it's fibroids or polyps, but that they need to rule out cancer too. It was the secretary who called to book me in for the gynae appointment, and she said I'd be sent a letter with more info, so I guess that may give me a better idea of what tests they might do and what will happen at the appointment? 

Tried to talk to my mum about it to relieve my worries but she lives a long way away and is quite matter of fact about medical issues (she had problems with fibroids and had to have a hysterectomy, so has been through similar), which I do appreciate but I felt I wanted to be able to talk her about it more. 

Sorry for long post, would really love to hear from anyone who's been through/ going through similar. Just reading other's posts has been a big help.


  • I'm so sorry to jump on all your posts but reading through them I'm experiencing similar symptoms. Im currently under investigation for oc, had 6 lots of blood tests taken thurs including the ca125, have a follow up appt this Tuesday and I'm absolutely bricking it. I've had ovarian cysts since I was 24 (I'm now 32), periods were just horrid, would have to use a tampon and sanitary towel and they would last 2 to 3 weeks. I had a coil fitted to control them but I still bleed and the pain I get is beyond extreme. I can also feel a mass in my right side it when pressed it hurts. I've also got endo and was told I was lucky to concieve my daughter as apparently my left doesn't work. I'm so sick of all this, my bloody trousers don't fit although I'm loosing weight it's gaining on my lower half and if one more person congratulates me on my pregnancy I'm gonna scream! 


  • Hi, I’ve just read this thread - I had blood tests showing my CA125 levels are raised, had a pelvic ultrasound which apparently showed nothing, a chest X-ray which was clear and then another GP actually listened to me and sent me for an internal scan which has showed the lining of my womb is 15 mm when it should be around 5 mm. I’ve not had a period since I was 45 - I’m 48 now and in July I had a massive bleed but the first GP said he’d be more worried if I was 58 not 48 (I don’t think my age has anything to do with it) I have pain around my right ovary, in my pelvis, the tops of my legs and intermittently in my rectum. I’ve also lost weight go to the loo a lot and feel sick when I’m eating. I’m seeing a gynaecologist/ oncologist on fri but have to go for further scans on Thursday (2 wk appt) the waiting is making me more cranky than my supposed menopause! 

  • Hi 

    I noticed that no one has replied yet to enajl9. How did she go on? I am in a mess myself right now. I am 53 and menopausal for 3 years when I had a slight bleed. I have had a couple before. The ultrasound found cyst 2.6 mm on an ovary and also something about cyctic area in a fibroid and 13mm of fluid adjacent???? My lining was only 1,5mm though which is good. I have also had a CA125 test

    I didnt get it explained very well at all and have been referred for an appointment with the gynae consultant Weds 28th. When the letter came it says "you are free to bring a friend or relative" and as I have never seen that on a hospital appointment before ever, I am fearing what he is going to say as it seems weird to see that it an appointment letter

    I was wondering if anyone has ever seen that before and whether it means bad news

    I also have pain in the top of my right leg near the groin (same side as cyst) and have had urge problems with weeing for a long long time.

    It is just so upsetting


  • Sound like there is room for them in the waiting area so you are free to bring someone for support.  My letter said I should have someone to take me home which scared me - what were they going to tell me! In the end I think it was in case they did a hysteroscopy which they didn't as they decided on a general anaesthetic.

    They said MRI is next for more info on the findings.

  • I too was told in my letter that I could bring a friend or relative with me to my gynae consultant and hysteroscopy appointment. I think it's standard procedure in some hospital departments. For me having my sister there during my hysteroscopy really helped to calm my nerves, and they didn't give me any bad news.

    I hope your appointment goes well suemc1 and that you get some answers. 

  • Thank you Daisyw for replying... am hoping that is all it is...i dont think they are planning an hysteroscopy...when I had my last appointment which was with the registrar she said with the lining being only 1.5mm they were not going to do one..i have.no idea what this cystic area in uterus is and will ask.more when i go. I am.thinking i want this cyst out whatever. It has been there a couple of years ..i was monitored for it for a year and discharged and mow it has reared its ugly head again.. its just that ive never had a hospital appointment suggesting bringing someone.

  • Thank you for your kindness Bethza27. I will update...i.may even ring hospital tomorrow to ask if it is standard. 

  • Hi, I’m still here! I had my scans on the 5th sept - ovaries are clear but my womb lining is now just under 20mm so has grown. 

    I had biopsies taken (ouch!!) I know some consultants use a local anaesthetic mine didn’t. 

    They also took bloods to see where my CA125 levels are at. 

    Nothing else has changed, still getting the same pain and still very fed up of waiting. 

    I was the only one who turned up alone, couldn’t bare the thought of taking someone with me -DH wanted to come but I sent him off to work.

    Hope you’re feeling ok and you’re right, I also think no one explains things enough xx 

  • Hi Enajl19 - I am sorry you are still going through the mill. When do you get your biopsy results and CA125?

    I should consider myself lucky I suppose as my womb lining is only 1.5mm but just with this cystic bit in it and then this cyst in my ovary. That biopsy thing is so painful isnt it - I havent had it yet this time round but I have had it before and I couldnt stand the pain - only then did they inject the cervix with something and it made it just bearable. If I have to have it again I am going to ask them for a general

    They seem to be taking a long time with you - ring them up and put some pressure on them - I find that they usually are quite accomodating.

    I rang the hospital today about the bit in the letter that worried me about "please bring a friend or relative" and apparently it was put on letters due to feedback from people saying that if they had known they could have brought someone then they would have!! The nurse I spoke to was really lovely and didn't mind me ringing

    My CA125 is back too and it is 11 which I think is okay - so I just need to try to keep calm and wait out my appointment on 25 September.


    Wishing all you ladies good news



  • I'm  still waiting for my biopsy and blood results (3 weeks in) I've had a letter which was also sent to my GP

    I have 2 cysts at my endometrial-myometrial interface. So I really don't know what will happen. 
    (Each time I was scanned I was told there were no cysts. 
    My ovaries are both clear so back to waiting for results and it's truly doing my head in!