Recovering from radical hysterectomy.

I’m recovering from radical hysterectomy and lymph node removal and would like to talk to any others who have been through the same. I do find I’m having sharpe pains and need reassurance. Please, anyone else who has come through it or in the same position, would love to connect. X


    Hi Angie and a very warm welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I am so sorry that you have to join us here. I myself have had 2 bouts of breast cancer, which isn't very helpful for you. However, if you use the search engine on the blue banner at the top of this page, and insert your key words, this will bring up previous posts on the topic, which I'm sure that you may find helpful.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how your recovery progresses. We are always here for you whenever you want to talk.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Angie

    I had a full hysterectomy in 2014 also had lymph node in my groin removed and abdominal hernia sorted.

    The sharp pains if they are like needles are I was told everything knitting back together.  Also the district nurse who came to change my dressing said - the consultant has moved other things to get to the womb and they dont put them back as neat as they come out so everthing is sorting itself back in position.

    I used to try and walk every day just a few yards at first then further (dont go to far, you have to come back) try to walk as upright as possible protecting your stomach with your arms.  Dont sit for to long as everthing seems to tighten up just stand and walk round the room.

    Do everthing they tell you - no lifting etc. Dont try and do any stomach strengthing exercises your muscles need to knit back naturally first.

    I thought at first I was never going to recover but within a short time I was feeling a lot better.  The stabbing pain like needle pricking does continue randomly for a while but becomes less often. 

    Good luck


  • Thank you River,


    with lymph removal I’m having strange pains in my muscles, arms, legs, feet, under my arms and also pains in my chest. I was cut from above the bellybutton to my pubic bone in an 8 hour operation. I thought I had put cancer to the back of my mind but after a conversation with a friends friend she thinks that I should have a private test to see if I’m all clear and not to trust in the hospital. I am now worried and this is playing on my mind, I don’t sleep due to hot flushes and generally feeling run down and tearful. Are these pains due to lymph node removal ?

  • Hi I had a full hysterectomy and ovary removal in August. Has anyone spoke to you about menopausal symptoms? Surgical menopause hits you with a bang and can make you feel tearful and *** (and the hot flushes, I remember thinking thr air conditioning had broken on our ward!). You could ask your hospital to run a blood test checking for cancer markers, or request an MRI? Otherwise lots of people will have opinions on your treatment, try not to let it trouble you (easier said than done). I agree about trying to do a little bit of exercise at a time. I used to go for a 5 min walk each day after a couple of weeks. Then slowly moving up to 15 mins and so on. I can't comment on the pains from lymph nodes, but you have had MAJOR surgery so you will have been through a lot. When did you have your surgery?
  • 9th November. I think I will ask my doctor for the test, it’s been on my mind for awhile. Christmas was hard as didn’t want to disappoint the children so borrowed a wheelchair from the Red Cross and went shopping an hours drive away. Thank you for your advice, trying to be strong but it seems to be getting harder even though I’ve been given the all clear. What’s wrong with me? X

  • I'm impressed you went shopping! You sound strong willed. I spent the majority of 6 weeks in bed! But I'd had chemo previous to my surgery.

    Give yourself time to rest and recover, and try not to feel bad about taking the time for yourself. It took me around 3 months to start moving semi normally and build my strength back Even now I start to feel exhausted around 6pm and still have tenderness near the scar (nightmare when my kids try to jump on me!)

     Have you been able to speak to any of your surgical team or nurses about the pain?

    My clinic specialist nurse recommended mindfulness to combat feeling down. Another patient advised staying positive when possible - I found this helped.

    How many children do you have? I have two boys aged 5 & 3. They are always on the go! 



  • Hi Angie

    Like RP has posted I think the hot flushes etc can definatly be down to surgical menopause.  I had already gone through the menopause so did not have the hot flushes but I did get tearful and feeling run down.  When you think what you have just gone through its not surprising.

    My cancer was discovered after my surgery so the only lymph node I had removed was an enlarged one in my groin that had showed up on my MRI scan that the consultant said he would remove while he was operating.  i did get aches and mild pain in the area which used to come and go. 

    I think you need to discuss these pains with your medical team or GP they should know what you should expect.

    It also depends what stage you were diagnosed as regarding ongoing treatment.  I would have thought that you should be getting a follow up appointment sometime after your surgery though.  Speak to your GP they should have notes from the hospital.  If you are really still worried ask them if you could have a blood test, these are not  conclusive but could put your mind at rest.


  • I’m 52 so I was going through menopause before hysterectomy. When was yours as I wonder why they only took one lymph node and they took 16 of mine. The lymphatic system is little understood at present and that’s my greatest concern. Tried work yesterday and lasted until one o’clock. I need to get back to normality.
  • My surgery was not cancer related. I had large fibroid and an abdominal hernia. I had two surgeons and the gyni consultant said he would remove the enlarged lymph node in my groin at the same time. It was after surgery when samples had been checked they found cancer cells on the outside of my womb and in the lymph node. Also in one of my ovaries. Which is why I then had chemo and radiotherapy. So it was an unusual case. I was 58 when I had the surgery and had taken early retirement a few months earlier, although my boss was hoping I would go back to do some short term projects. I finished radiotherapy in May 2015 and have been in remission. You need to speak to someone who can advise you on the effects of having so many lymph nodes removed. Do you have a McMillan contact they could advise you who to contact.
  • Hi I am having this surgery on 21st February and would love to know how you are getting on now. I had surgery in January to remove a cyst on my ovary as was told it was not cancer however a was told 10 days later they did find cancer in my Fallopian tube. This was a total shock to me and my surgeon. X