Absolutely terrified!

I was diagnosed with womb cancer in August 2014 and had complete hysterectomy in September. Four months later at my check up the doctor did a biopsy which showed cancer had returned in my pelvic area.  Subsequent scans in February have shown I have peritoneal cancer and cancerous cells around my bowel and enlarged lymph nodes.  I have been told that it is not curable now.  I have been given hormone tablets to see if they can help and have been told I can also have chemo, but it is up to me.  I am trying to be brave in front of family and friends but inside I am falling aoart.

  • Hi Pauline sorry that you are egoing through all this but I would stick to your guns with the questions If I dont get a propper answer then I just ask them to clarify what they mean and really push them for an answer that you understand.

    I am sorry that your family members are not around  but all the more reason to confide in friends.  If they are true friends they will not get fed up with you.  I had a really good chat on the phone with a friend a few weeks age and it really helped I did end by saying "enough of my moaning tell me your news".  Dont underestimate your friends - you would be there for them - they will understand.

  • Hi Pauline,

    We havent spoken before but after reading your reply to another new member, I looked back and found your thread. I am sorry to read that you do not have any family to share your worries and fears with as It meant a lot to me to be able to talk to my wife, both when I lost members of my family and then when I had prosate cancer myself. I have been a member of this forum for nearly three years and it feels like some of the people om here are like family members. I hope that any time you need to talk to someone, you feel able to come back on here for it is a very friendly forum. I must have missed your first post so apologise for not responding before.

    Wishing you all the very best and sending kind thoughts your way, B rian

  • Thank you, Brian, you have posted at a time when I feel rather down.  I had scans last week and should have had an appointment to see the oncologist tomorrow but they forgot to book me in and now I have to wait till next week.  Stupidly I googled my cancer and now am so afraid, I can hardly breath, I have headaches and feeling very depressed.  Trust me, this isn't how I usually am , I am normally extremely strong.  I just don't seem to be able to pull myself together.  I am really glad I have found this site, you are all so kind.

  • Hi Pauline,

    Sorry to read you are feeling down. Waiting for results is always a stressful time but when you have to wait even longer because of someones error make it even worse. Even strong people can have problems at times like this. Yet despite how your feeling, you are taking time to offer support to others on here which shows a strong strenght of charachter. I often say we can all use our experiance of cancer to help others.

    I hope you are soon feeling better. Sending you a big hug and best wishes, Brian

  • Hi Pauline,
    You have been so wonderfully supportive of other forum members I , like Brian hope you are feeling a bit more positive.  It is so hard waiting for tests and results, but I feel you are a tough cookie, honey you will win through.
    Remember you  are not alone,  come on here and vent, bellyache , winge. (still can't spell that correctly)
    Sending you a virtual hug
    Kathy x

  • Thanks for all your support - cancer can be a long, lonely journey, one I wouldn't wish on anyone.  Coming on to this site and having lovely, understanding people to talk to is such an enormous help.

    Yesterday I took two of my granddaughters to a restaurant for dinner (theydon't know nanny has cancer and thats the way it will stay).  I found it so hard, looking at them, knowing I wont see them growing up and had to stop the tears.

    By the way Kathy, doesn't matter how you spell winge, whinge or whatever, I know what you mean.  :-)

  • Good morning Pauline,

    Its a lovely morning here in West Sussex with not a cloud in sight. When it was confirmed I had prostate cancer, even though I was 95% sire its what I would be told, It still hit like a hammer blow, for just like you one of my first thoughts were, I wont see my three grandchildren grow up and start a life of their own. I am very close to all three and this did hurt. But Luckily whith help form a lot of people, I have made a good recovery. My youngest grandson whose nine years old had to go into hospital recently as he was born with lots of problems. He was asked if he prefered to wear the hospital gown or to take his PJs in. His reply was "I dont want that hospital gown for your bum falls out the back and I dont want to show my bum to everyone. He is one of lifes natural commedians and everywhere he goes he mamnges to make people laugh. He ha even said, he was born like he is so he can make people laugh. I love him and the other two to bits.

    Hope that has cheered you up a bit Pauline, children do have this way of lifting our sprirts

    Take care, sending kind thoughts and best wishes your way, Brian.