Prostrate surgery waiting times?


My partner has been diagnosed with a Gleason 8 prostrate cancer, he has had bone scans and it is contained. We feel lucky it is, but I’m worried sick as the surgery he has been offered seems to be “weeks” away according to the CNS. I was wondering how long people waited from the diagnosis to surgery? I’m based in England and I appreciate all areas may have different time lines but any help or advice or reassurance would be great. Thank you for any help 

  • Hello Michaela69894,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat and I'm sure members will reach out to you.

    It can be difficult to determine how long the wait for surgery is, but we have information around surgery for prostate cancer and if you would like to speak a our cancer nurse team you can call 0808 800 4040. It's free to call and lines are open from 9 to 5 Monday to Friday. I hope this will help you feel more informed and prepared.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hi sorry  about your *** news I live in south east England I was diagnosed  early dec prostate  cancer had a prostatectomy  21st January  think they give you a bit time to decide  your best course of treatment that suits you I was offered  it a week earlier  at another  hospital  but was happy to wait as I liked the urology team at my local hospital good luck 

  • Hi, thank you so much for sharing and I really appreciate you spending the time to reply. I know all areas of the country have different waiting times but it’s nice to hear how long people have waited. Did you have many side effects after the surgery? I wish you well in your recovery and thank you again 

  • Hi  4 weeks on my they warned me about inconvenience  but I wasn't bad they took the catheter  out 2 weeks ago  I never leaked much if I sneezed  or cough I felt a little bit  I've been doing pelvic exercises  and for last 2 days I've been fine no leaking  so fingers crossed  as for ED nothing yet but it's still very early  I'm still not sure how much of the nerves they took away I should find out in 5 weeks if it had come outside prostate  1 thing I will say take laxatives  as soon as your home it will save you a lot pain as I found out if you need any more questions  answering feel free to ask

  • Thank you so much for all the information and sharing with me. I hope you get a speedy recovery and good results in 5 weeks! Thank for sharing I do appreciate like I said and thanks for the tip on laxatives

  • Your more then welcome  really hope all goes well for you both  

  • That’s good about the catheter as I know that can be an issue. Sounds like it’s not been too bad and thanks for the tip on laxatives. I hope all goes well with you and the results good. Thanks again and may have some questions in the future

  • Just hope it helps think in my eyes having a very supportive  wife and great friends and family  makes a big difference  you need to no your not alone