Hello all, I don’t really know where to start, and I’m honestly still struggling to take everything in, but on Valentine’s Day my dad who is my absolute hero was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.
To say I’m devastated is an understatement because last year my dad over came a Sarcoma tumour and we thought he’d kicked cancer in the butt.
I am an only child and a week previously my mom was moved to a dementia care home, and I just feel like everything has hit me at once.
I want to support my dad without being overbearing because he is staying so positive, they’ve given him 18 months maximum with chemotherapy but he’s having none of it and said he’ll aim for another 5 years to be able to see my daughter graduate university!!
Im not sleeping, and im so run down and clearly having a pity party, but how do I stay strong? I am a bonafide daddies girl and he’s my best mate, but Im scared to hug him in case I hurt him or pass on a cold etc, which is probably me being neurotic.
Ive never felt so many different emotions in such a short space of time, shock, anger, disbelief, anxiety over what happens next.
I don’t want to say or do the wrong thing, because my dad is such a proud, hardworking man.
I apologise for the long winded rant, I just needed to get it all out, and any advice would be so appreciated