I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 1 last March and had a lumpectomy and lymph node removed in May. I am lucky that it was found at such an early stage.
I have had a course of Radiotherapy in July which is what my question is about.
I have had various levels of pain in the breast area every day since having the radiotherapy ranging from 1-2 to 7-8. out of 10. I have been told by Oncology that this is very normal and it can continue for 6 months or more. I accept this from the experts but after speaking to other women with the same diagnosis I appear to be the only one experiencing such pain. The other ladies seem to have sailed through it.
Has anyone else found themselves in pain after radiotherapy?
I am due to have my first mammogram since the operation in a few weeks and I am quite worried about having it. The pain level today has been 3-4.
Any thoughts would be very welcome.