Breast cancer stage 1

I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 1 last March and had a lumpectomy and lymph node removed in May.  I am lucky that it was found at such an early stage.  

I have had a course of Radiotherapy in July which is what my question is about.  

I have had various levels of pain in the breast area every day since having the radiotherapy ranging from 1-2 to  7-8. out of 10.   I have been told by Oncology that this is very normal and it can continue for 6 months or more.  I accept this from the experts but after speaking to other women with the same diagnosis I appear to be the only one experiencing such pain.  The other ladies seem to have sailed through it.

Has anyone else found themselves in pain after radiotherapy?  

I am due to have my first mammogram since the operation in a few weeks and I am quite worried about having it.  The pain level today has been 3-4.  

Any thoughts would be very welcome.


  • Hi Sue, I am 3 years post lumpectomy and RT for stage 1 breast cancer. I had a lot of nerve pain and tenderness for months after and even now my breast feels sore and occasionally I get stabbing pains. I'd cry if someone bumped into my boob! Saw consultant only on Friday and mentioned it to him, he just said its normal and the breast is never quite the same again after the treatment we've had. It has got better and I've lost weight which has helped, I also ditched the wired bras and that's helped too. 

    Jane x

  • Hi Jane.

    Thank you so much for sharing that.  It really does help me to keep moving on.  I don't feel so alone now. 

    I only wear the sports bras now as they are definitely more comfortable. 

    I truly wish you continued good health.

    Again, thank you.


  • Hi Sue,  sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  I had stage 3 cancer twelve years ago and had lumpectomy, chemo and then radiotherapy and off course the tamoxifen etc.  I still get occasional pain in the breast it does get less at times goes on.  I normally take ibuprofen or paracetamol about an hour before having a mammogram as it does help.  Wishing you well on your recovery.  Lee x 

  • Thank you Lee for your response.  I am feeling so much better about my own pains and soreness.   I am not alone!

    I will definitely take paracetamol before my appointment - that's a great idea.  I am overthinking it all as I am not so worried about the mammogram pain as I am quiet large and the mammograms are usually very uncomfortable if only for seconds.  I was more worried about the mammogram doing damage to tissues that are still healing but ....  they obviously know what they are doing.

    I hope your good health continues - 12 years is certainly something to celebrate. 
