Unable to get an erection after having prostate treatment

After having full treatment for prostate cancer I'm unable to have sex with my wife , we have just been married for 18 months and I'm very worried that this could corse problems all though my wife is so understanding , I've been to my GP and took tablets but still unable for things to happen ..

  • Hi Clive1, and a warm welcome to the forum, though I'm sorry you have to be here. ED is very common after treatment and can often take a couple of years for things to get back to "normal", It is very important for you/partner to keep stimulating your penis, this is key in eventually getting the blood flowing again, and intimacy can still be very enjoyable for you both without intercourse, like you my partner is amazing and helped me through my issues, 


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Thanks Eddie for your kind thoughts