Joanne - diagnosed with breast cancer last year, bone scan shows it's spread to spine and hip

Hi my name is Joanne I was diagnosed with breast cancer early last year, had 2 lots of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. At the end of last year I had a bone scan and have been told there are signs on the bottom of my spine and on my left hip.

I have been on the sick but my ssp has ran out. I am on p.i.p but was wondering if anyone knew if there was anything else I could get as we really starting to struggle financially 

  • Hi Joanne,  I am really sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  I am in the same boat with secondary breast cancer with mets in spine, pelvis and ribs.  I presume you partner is working.  If you have been working for the last two tax years, which does not include last year, you will be able to claim New Style Employment Support Allowance (ESA). It is £91.50 a week until you have a work capability assessment and then depending on the outcome it will stay the same or go up to about £121.50 a week.(I cant remember the exact amount).  You can make the claim online.  You can message me if you need any help.  Lee x  Good luck in your journey.

  • Hi Lee. Thanks for your reply I have just put a claim in for ESA hopefully I get somewhere. I'm still on the sick but not getting paid and my partner is working full time. My current sicknote runs outvat the end of this month so I'm hoping tonearm soon where I stand cos I really don't think I can go back to work.


  • Hi Joanne,  how are you getting on, have you heard anything from ESA yet?

    Lee x

  • Hiya. I have applied but I haven't heard anything yet said 14 days hoping to hear something soon.

    Joanne x

  • Hi Joanne  they do take a while someone will phone you and go through a claimant commitment with you.  You will need to send them your sick note and also a SSP 1 form from your employer to say your Statutory Sick Pay has ended.  You can also ask for back dating for up to three months depending when your SSP finished.  Good luck Lee xx

  • Hi.

    I have asked my employer for my ssp1 form but they haven't said anything about it yet. 

    Hope you are okay 
