feeling lost - was diagnosed with bone and lung cancer, stage 4, last year

hi last year after a broken arm I got results bone cancer on my arm. lung cancer stage 4 it's been a long journey moving on. I'm posative and won't let cancer take me over im female 64 and would love to chat to anyone.

  • Hello ygriffo, 

    Thank you for coming here and sharing your story. Poor you having to deal with the effects of bone cancer on your arm as well as stage 4 lung cancer. I can imagine it has been a hell of a journey for you and it's great that despite all that, you managed to keep positive. 

    You have come to the right place to meet others in a similar place or who have had a similar diagnosis and I have found a few recent threads from members of our community who have been diagnosed with lung cancer. For example,   posted this thread a couple of months ago about their mum being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and  posted a few days ago this thread about their lung cancer diagnosis . These are just a couple of examples and don't hesitate to respond to anyone you feel you would like to connect with. 

    You are not alone and I will now let members of our community come and say hello and share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator