BristlingBrock - diagnosed with prostate cancer last year, had treatment. Now experiencing pain, should I be worried?

New member.  A little unsure as to detail to include here but had prostate cancer last year, hormone and radiotherapy treatment.  Blood tests indicate much reduced PSA but there has been no medical check to verify.  Now experiencing groin and testicle dull aches.  Interested to know whether this could be legacy of radiotherapy or something new.  Anybody got a similar story ? 

  • Hi and welcome, I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but good to hear treatment is working, I went through the same treatment and also had discomfort in the testicles, it's due to the hormone therapy stopping you producing testosterone, of which 95% comes from the testes, as a result they will shrink and this is the reason for the discomfort, but always talk to your team about any concerns. A  3 or 6 monthly PSA test is the norm for less aggressive prostate cancer, with a more aggressive variant regular scans are often, but not always needed. Best wishes.


  • Thanks for your response.   Sounds like this could be a familiar issue in post-prostate after effects.  

    Keep well yourself.