everyone and hope life stays under control. I was diagnosed a with Prostrate Cancer only a few months ago and after being advised it was perfectly manageable was then told by a surgeon it was an aggressive one, obviously I was very shocked and while building the idea of living abroad , have now shelved things. My lovely Wife has been Mentally ill since 2015 and requires 24/7 care as she doesn’t know what to do. Eating , washing and general support are down to me. I can’t get any benefits we are both well over 65. Obviously we receive DLA , State Pensions and two private work pensions. Unfortunately I don’t have any private pensions as my late Wife Mandy developed complications during pregnancy and left her terminally ill. I gave up my top job in London to come home to care for her 24/7 until her death aged just 29. So I’m not a happy Bunny right now. Having Hormonal Injections every three month which unfortunately cause female middle age issues, ie Hot Flushes .
so my goal now is support my sick Wife 24/7 and hope I can hang on long enough. We don’t receive any support to help our weary selves
I’m still alive so if any of you can help me plot a path of stability please advise.
anyway I’m Terry age 76