Living with it

  everyone and hope life stays under control. I was diagnosed a with Prostrate Cancer only a few months ago and after being advised it was perfectly manageable was then told by a surgeon it was an aggressive one, obviously I was very shocked and while building the idea  of living abroad , have now shelved things. My lovely Wife has been Mentally ill since 2015 and requires 24/7 care as she doesn’t know what to do. Eating  , washing and general support are down to me. I can’t get any benefits we are both well over 65. Obviously we receive DLA , State Pensions and two private work pensions. Unfortunately I don’t have any private pensions as my late Wife Mandy developed complications during pregnancy and left her terminally ill. I gave up my top job in London to come home to care for her 24/7 until her death aged just 29. So I’m not a happy Bunny right now. Having Hormonal Injections every three month which unfortunately cause female middle age issues, ie Hot Flushes .

so my goal now is support my sick Wife 24/7 and hope I can hang on long enough. We don’t receive any support to help our weary selves 

I’m still alive so if any of you can help me plot a path of stability please advise.

anyway I’m Terry age 76 

  • Hi Terry

    Have you spoken to citizens advice? I really feel you must be entitled to some more financial help and also some home help given your situation. You can also speak to your local council about council tax discount and your energy supplier etc. I hope you have a good friend or a family member that can make some calls for you and do some fact finding or your behaviour. 

    Look after yourself as best as you can. I appreciate how hard it must be for you.

  • Sorry behaviour should have been behalf.  Predictive text takes over sometimes.

  • Hi there and thanks for your advise.i did an online HMRC extra benefits calculations. After all that it implied I might receive an extra  £7 per week.

    i run The NUC ( National Union of Carers ) and The Charity The Bay Foundation Disabled and Carers Trust . I don’t receive any remuneration though do complete over 30yrs a week , on line and by phone. Also make contact with Carers and their families via the site running 

    Out of the blue HMRC stopped my Tax Credits as wanted to speak to me . However they never did , Then denied everything so now have an appeal running which can take around nine months to be heard. Even  my MP has written to them with the excuse that they are looking into it.

    i’m exhausted taking care of my sick, keeping the house and sone housework and washing.

    i also have MS and diabetes to deal with and a damaged hip.

    apart from that I’m as fit as a dog. Ha Ha

    considering I’m dying it seems nobody Cares about me.


  • I’ve done a lot in my life, married four times, eight children. Travelled the World, raced and rallied cars. However at 76 didn’t think things might work out this way. Really wanted to relocate to Jersey (CI ), but my current health will probably prevent that from happening.

    if you type Mandy Bayliffe into google her book will come up called “ Shattered Dreams “ and where you can download it free of charge these days. If you can’t ,send me your email address and I’ll send it on a PDF. Indeed a friend of mine owns a film studio . Her book has been Script Written for a planned movie 2026.

    i want to write my Autobiography just to show others maybe how to live tgeir lives to the full.

    i hope you like her story , sold all over the world.


  • Hi there again a few minutes while my Wife sleeps.

    I rang Citizens advise and after 25 minutes waiting. advised me to wait until my Tax Credit HMRC appeal is completed as if I receive another benefit might get challenged if I win the appeal. So back where I started , no money , worn out and just playing a waiting game.

    Anyway take care and I advise once Mandy’s Film shoot starts.