Diagnosed ER+ PR+ HER2-

Hi All,

I recently noticed a change it the way my left breast looked, nipple inverting only slightly but noticeable to me. I for a few weeks took photos and kept checking thinking it was due to my hormones and the coil being fitted in March 2024 due to heavy bleeding and clot issues.

18th September my GP examined and couldn’t feel any lumps but I was referred to have mammogram.

2nd October Mammogram completed along with scan which found a lump 1.5cm behind the nipple and swelling in my lymph in armpit. Whilst there 2 biopsy taken for further investigation

Further appointment was confirmed for 5th November for results but I was so anxious and suffer with high bloood pressure I called and appointment brought forward to 22nd October

Feeling nervous and worried but thinking all will be ok I was told I had Breast Cancer grade 2 ER+ PR+ HER2 and surgery planned for 20th December to remove nipple and aerola with biopsy of the synoid in armpit and removal of lymph 

started Tamoxifen meds and coil removed

Now a waiting game for surgery and the treatment plan after

Feeling Lots of things and just reaching out to people that have experienced the same diagnosis 

  • Hi Sarah,

    You seem to be in control, which is good.  

    I had 15 sessions over 3 weeks. 

    To be honest, I had no symptoms for the first 2 weeks.  It was week 3 I was very tierd. 

    The treatment was very easy, and nothing to worry about.  You don't feel a thing.  I had to keep holding my breath witch took me a few days to get the hang of.  They say 'breathe in'  then after 15 - 20 seconds they tell you to 'breathe away'  you get used to the timing and the noise so you sort of know when they are going to speak.  If you do breathe before they tell you the machine stops so don't worry. Make sure when breathing out you completely relax x

    I bought a few comfy loungewear outfits as you leave all bottom half on, so wanted comfortable tops to take off. And comfortable bottoms to leave on.  Some nice socks as even though your only in there 15 mins your feet can feel more comfy.  I always took a apple as I always fancied a snack on way home.  Take something to read just in case there are delays.  

    Make sure you stay hydrated.  

    I was also given some Rt gel to put on morning and night.   Make sure you do as it helped me. 

    The Rt carries on working for a while after treatment ends.  I did feel a bit sore doing this week.  ( which was last week).

    I have my follow ups in March. 

    Take care. 


  • Hi Sarah,

    It is so hard to decide what treatment regime to follow, when we don't have a crystal ball. The fact that there is so little difference between chemo and radiotherapy, makes it easier to decide and, I hope that, in the long term, this is the best decision for you. I haven't had radiotherapy, but from what I can gather, you need to moisturise your skin well and could possibly start doing this straight away. I expect that you will be pretty tired once you start treatment - the travelling alone for 4 weeks, is bound to take it out of you, so try to prepare for this in advance. Also make sure to stay well hydrated. 

    Hopefully, others who have had this treatment, will be along soon to give you more tips.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jovie,

    lovely to hear from you and that you are doing well. let me know how your follow ups go in March xx sending you positive vibes 

    thank you for all the information too this will help me prepare in mind and body too

    take care


  • Hi Jolamine,

    so lovely to hear from you and I hope you are well

    thank you for the info which will help me prepare for  treatment xxx


    take care


  • Hi,

    im getting anxious about RT  I have read so many people’s experiences and also on the internet and paperwork given to me

    today I am starting to ensure I get the water drinking as I am not very good at keeping hydrated so have a tick box set in front of me every time I finish a glass of water 

    also eating as healthy as I can and some walking and my arm exercises each day

    Also moisturising morning and night my arm, armpit and breast area , any recommendations on best moisturiser and also for after RT

    I have a focus and a plan and back to work today so my mind is busy again

    CT scan this Thursday so hopefully dates of RT will be confirmed 

    also have the injection tomorrow for zoledex which I think slows my ovaries ..

    hope you are ok and well



  • Hi Sarah,

    Please don't worry.  I sailed through RT,  (nothing major to report)  and to be honest it's better not to read horror stories, as it's like when you have a baby, not everyone has the same experience.  I have been using Flamigel RT. It's expensive but really good. I have the 250g tube, which I am still using 3rd week post RT. A little goes a long way.

    You really are smashing this.  You are doing everything you possible can to stay ahead of the game.   Which is all you can do.  

    Good luck with CT scan. 

    I will be thinking of you 

    Jovie xx

  • Thanks Jovie your words of advise and support always help me with my thoughts and it’s so warming to know I’m doing everything I can xx

    I will have a look for the cream thank you for this info xx

    keep you posted 

    hope you feeling ok and you are also sailing through the journey xxx  



  • Hi Jovie,

    CT scan has gone ok I was anxious but after I felt more relaxed knowing I can do the breathing when RT starts

    my first session is 6th March and then 20 sessions for 4 weeks

    i was wondering if you had any issues with heavy menstrual bleeding and losing clots?

    I had this 3years ago which is why I had the coil fitted but now it’s removed it looks like it’s back and with a vengeance 

    I am back on tamoxifen been just over a week but been bleeding 3 weeks heavy and clotty. Wondering if it could be the meds ?

    I will be discussing it Monday with my cancer nurse as it’s getting to heavy to do normal stuff

    hope you are keeping well 



  • Hi Sarah,

    I am pleased your scan was OK x

    I used to suffer with very heavy bleeding and very large clots, and was put on the mini pill.  This was 4 years ago.  I have since had the menopause, so my periods have stopped.  Thank goodness.  I couldn't even stand up without it leaking everywhere.  

    It's so disabling.  I hope youcan get that side sorted ASAP as going through RT with heavy bleeding isn't going to be very nice .  

    Fingers crossed they can help xx

  • Hi Sarah,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you are having problems with bleeding again and hope that your nurse can offer some suggestions to help today. It must be a relief to you to find that you can manage your breathing, in preparation for radiotherapy. Most people sail through this treatment, as Jovie did. It is all very well to read about side-effects, but they don't happen to everybody. Our over-active imaginations tend to catastrophise at this stage, but let's hope that yours is straightforward too. I'm glad to see that it's not long now until your treatment starts and all this worry will soon be behind you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx