Diagnosed ER+ PR+ HER2-

Hi All,

I recently noticed a change it the way my left breast looked, nipple inverting only slightly but noticeable to me. I for a few weeks took photos and kept checking thinking it was due to my hormones and the coil being fitted in March 2024 due to heavy bleeding and clot issues.

18th September my GP examined and couldn’t feel any lumps but I was referred to have mammogram.

2nd October Mammogram completed along with scan which found a lump 1.5cm behind the nipple and swelling in my lymph in armpit. Whilst there 2 biopsy taken for further investigation

Further appointment was confirmed for 5th November for results but I was so anxious and suffer with high bloood pressure I called and appointment brought forward to 22nd October

Feeling nervous and worried but thinking all will be ok I was told I had Breast Cancer grade 2 ER+ PR+ HER2 and surgery planned for 20th December to remove nipple and aerola with biopsy of the synoid in armpit and removal of lymph 

started Tamoxifen meds and coil removed

Now a waiting game for surgery and the treatment plan after

Feeling Lots of things and just reaching out to people that have experienced the same diagnosis 

  • I'm sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with grade 2 ER+ PR+ HER2 breast cancer Saralou123.

    It's completely understandable, and natural, to be feeling a lot of things right now as a cancer diagnosis can bring about all sorts of thoughts and emotions, but I hope it helps to know that many of our members have been in your position so you are not alone Saralou123, and hopefully some of them will stop by soon to offer their support and advice.

    If you'd like to discuss any of this further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to support you and answer any other questions you may have at this time.

    The journey ahead will be tough but we will be by your side every step of the way.

    We're thinking of you Saralou and wishing you all the best with your surgery next month.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much for your message xx I really appreciate it xx

  • I am sorry to hear you are going through this .  My diagnosis is the same, but I have 6cm at the bottom of my breast and a 1.5cm under my nipple.  I am having surgery on saturday.  I haven't been prescribed any medication since diagnosis though.  X

  • Hi Jovie

    so sorry to hear of your diagnosis I send you wishes and hope your surgery goes well and you have a good recovery. Thank you for your message i appreciate it. Keep me posted on your progress and keep positive through the process. They say to me it’s been caught early I hope you can take comfort that someone else is on this journey and you are it alone xxx

  • Saralou123.  Thank you.  I will keep you posted.  I am having 2 surgeons one for cancer side and one for reconstruction side.  They cannot save my nipples as too much  risk as I have diabetes, so keeping the scar tissue to a minimum.  Because I have larger breast ( first time I feel this is a positive) they hope to save some breast to make 2 small boobs.  Also taking 3 lymph nodes, but did say they looked ok.   I was told I will have radiotherapy afterwards and maybe chemo, but they don't know yet.  I am really nervous about the recovery.  It will definitely help having someone to message thats going through the same x

  • Hey it’s normal to feel nervous I am too feeling the same as you xxx I’ve not planned for any reconstruction but will decide later. I know you will be in good hands. I’m the same planned for radio but may need chemo xx we can chat as we in it together xx 

  • Hey Jovie,

    sending my love and thoughts for Saturday you got this xxx keep positive and strong  


  • Hi Saralou123, 

    Thank you!! Means alot.  I will let you know how it goes xx

  • Hi Saralou123, 

    Well it's all done.  I am feeling ok.  A bit sore, but expected.  They took all lower nodes as cancer was seen on pet scan.  That is the side that hurts more.  Dressing off in 10 days and seeing surgeon in a few weeks for results.   How are you feeling ? Xx

  • Hey so good to hear from you and that surgery went well. As expected soreness but you can rest now to recover. Make sure you do the arm excises  as this will help lower risk of the lymphoedema that’s told me xx I’ve started doing them now pre op hopefully it will help too 

    hopefully you have some pain relief too help you. Keep positive and rest up lovely

    im feeling very tired and exhausted from the tamoxifen but other than that i am carrying on the day job keeping busy right up to op

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