First diagnosis of grade 2 ductal carcinoma


I’m 50, had a recall after first mammogram. Two lumps found. Got results on 9/10 just there. I’ve got two areas of grade 2 ductal carcinoma, both hormone receptor positive. The smaller one has tested negative for HER2 but the bigger one still waiting for results.

got to have an mri scan within next week or so to check sizes then a mastectomy/reconstruction on the left and a breast reduction on my right.

Ive put myself off work with the intention of returning between appointments but I’m already knackered.

was widowed in may - still recovering from that and he was an alcoholic-  kids and I still have that also to recover from 

Im already feeling bad for being off work but as my best friend pointed out, better to be rested as well as possible before any treatment.

anyways, a new experience to be had and to get through