Prostate cancer

Hi I was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer in march 2024 I’m 55 I’ve had a biopsy, CT scan ,bone scan and a PET scan where I was told it had spread to my lymph nodes on my pelvis I started hormone therapy just over 6 months ago and I’m still waiting to start radiation therapy , which originally I was told would be around the 3 months mark  I was told yesterday that they have no idea when this will start . I had another psa test a week ago and my score as started to rise again which is very worrying, I’m wondering if anyone is having the same problems or have been waiting to start treatment if so how long they have been waiting for or have waited for in the past 

  • H Kidda, and welcome, I have a similar diagnosis to you, was diagnosed July 2022 started HT Immediately, and told it would be 6 months till RT started so early in the new year. Unfortunately de to my prostate size I needed a TURP which put my RT back 3 months, Kidda that your PSA is rising while you are on HT Is concerning as is you not having a date yet for RT to start, You should be proactive and be asking what's happening, I don't know if your still under urology or have been transferred to oncology but get in touch with them both, you should have a cancer nurse specialist, CNS, they are a great place to start, when you phone tell them how it's affecting your mental health, this will speed things up. If your not happy with how things go, contact PALS, patient advice and liaison service at your hospital, they have been very helpful to me and many others, PS, you will have a multi disciplinary team MDT, reviewing your case, they meet once a week to discuss your treatment, and will know about your PSA rise, so maybe they might be in touch soon, but personally, I wold be phoning, Emailing and popping in, your cancer needs hitting hard and quick, best wishes to you Eddie

  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Hi Eddie thanks for your reply and helpful things for me try and do , ive just  received an appointment for my ct scan this week and hopefully be starting my treatment within 8 weeks . Just wanted to say thank you for caring and hopefully all is  going well  after your  treatment thanks kidda 

  • Offline in reply to Kidda

    Hi Kidda, your welcome, is the CT scan your planning scan for radiotherapy RT, if it is, this is usually done 2 to 3 weeks before RT is started, PS, the radiographers are the nicest people you will ever meet in hospital, best wishes. 


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Yes my planning scan and yes they are lovely they said it would be 6 to 8 weeks for treatment to start it’s just how busy they are at the moment with so many  people waiting to start treatment but you never no it might start earlier with a bit of luck cheers Eddie and thanks .


  • Offline in reply to Kidda

    Your welcome, and good luck to you.
