Hi All,
I was diagnosed with lung cancer at the end of July. I’m a male, ex-smoker aged 79.
i am going into Hospital on Monday 7th October for surgery.
its called a Video Assisted Thoracoscopy.
Has anyone had one ?
Hi All,
I was diagnosed with lung cancer at the end of July. I’m a male, ex-smoker aged 79.
i am going into Hospital on Monday 7th October for surgery.
its called a Video Assisted Thoracoscopy.
Has anyone had one ?
Hello Alantom
I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It's understandable that this may be an anxious time for you ahead of your surgery next week.
I can see that you've been chatting with another member, Tekno, who has been through surgery for lung cancer. It's great that you've managed to connect with someone who understands.
If you want to chat with one of our nurses at any point you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
I hope that all goes smoothly on Monday. Do let us know how you get on when you feel up to it.
Best wishes,
Cancer Chat moderator
Hi I had a VAT op for lung cancer on 23rd September I had upper part of right lung removed 2 tumours removed and lymph nodes removed I wasn't sure what to expect after the op ie whether I would have difficulty breathing walking etc but I was fine I had drain removed 2nd day after op which was a godsend as it was a bit of a pain carrying it about to go to the loo which I was able to do the next day after the op etc. I had no trouble walking or breathing when walking down the corridor or going to the bathroom etc although I was on oxygen for a few days as my levels kept dipping under 95. I had very little to no pain after the op as pain was managed really well by the hospital only complications I had was really bad constipation on around day 3/4 caused by taking codeine which was painful and I had a slight infection where drain had been when stitch was taken out at doctors but antibiotics cleared that up
sorry that should say 23rd August not September
Thanks for the information. I know opioids can cause constipation so have to be prepared. It has made me feel better hearing of your quick recovery. Just want to get it over with now.
where did you have the Op done ?
I had this done 20th August today I feel 90% back to normal ask me anything
Thanks. Did you do any fitness activities before your op ? We have Active Sheffield which is run by Sheffield Hallam University, English Institute of Sport and Yorkshire Cancer research. I found them really motivating and they also run courses post op.
Hope you get as close to 100% as possible.
Sorry for the delay in responding changed password still locked out so finally got back as I said my op was 20th August I was diagnosed mid May after xray then ct scan to be sure then a pet scan then a biopsy 3 weeks before my op I was introduced online to alvie app I was referred. I have on the app a specialist nurse , nutritionist , coach , and counsellor. I then had to go to the local council gym where my fitness was assessed then it was back with the app and Fitbit improvement of my daily steps and general health over the 3 weeks it was get yourself as fit as you can . The operation went well my wound in under my armpit slightly towards my back on the right side . During the first week I was short of breath while walking now 6 weeks on I’m ok walking but any upward slope or stairs brings on the short of breath. Now I have been called back to the gym for a post op assessment I now my numbers are lower . So they are introducing me to Canmove google it for information I get a free pass for the gym and induction plus trainers who have the connection with this Alvie app so 3 months of free gym membership classes , swimming , gym equipment I start after I have my induction. Going back to the op the thing I found the worse for my was the drain coming out of my wound attached the a big box hand bag it was very uncomfortable I had it in for 10 long days . Hope your fitness improves greatly and you sale through you operation. I’m back at the hospital Monday xray first then see the surgeon for lab results on the part of lung they sent away . Is it clear is there any more treatment
Part of my anxiety was not knowing what to expect after op hope it all goes well for you and hope you have a quick recovery too
I have been using the Fit4Surgery app which is a combination of exercises that you do at home (I think it was a month before might have been 2) and after the op - not sure how long I have to continue with them but at the moment I am still doing them I can only assume that doing these have helped in my speedy recovery but I may have had the same result with or without doing them that I will never know
That was my concern, not knowing what to expect, post op. Thanks for your help and I feel much more confident now.
will keep in touch.