
Just been diagnosed today. Ive took the observation route. Feel very upset and not sure about telling my family about it. My wife knows. She's already been through it with breast cancer and survived. Really don't know if I've taken the right option and expecting a lot of sleepless nights.

  • Hi Koss, and a warm welcome to the forum though sorry you have to be here and you have prostate cancer, It's an awful time getting our diagnosis, stress and uncertainty are common, we are not experts and we hope the real experts will be doing the right thing for us, knowing you have cancer and deciding on monitoring can be difficult to understand as we just want rid of the cancer. Koss, I'm guessing your on active surveillance and not watchful waiting, This is often the best choice based on many factors, age, other health conditions and fitness as well as your cancer details, PSA number, Gleason score and TNM staging, To tell or not to tell is a decision for you, how were they with your wife's diagnosis should help you decide, That you have been put on active surveillance AS indicates the cancer has been caught very early and curable, you could, as  most prostate cancer, grows very slowly stay on AS for the rest of your life without ever needing treatment but with the regular tests you have on AS any change will be caught quickly, best wishes.


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Thanks Eddie for taking the time to respond. I'm on AS and hoping it all goes well. I only went The doctors because I was having night sweats. They sent me for an Xray and a blood test and asked if I wanted a PSA included. That's how it was noticed. Really struggling about telling the family,  especially my daughter. Then again it will eventually come out and she'll probably be more upset than if I'd told her. My son will probably just bottle it up like he always does. My eldest grandson is very close to me and he worries a lot about me and his Nan. Just hoping they all cope with it better than they did with my wife. The nurse who telephoned me told me a lot of details but I didn't take it all in. No doubt I'll have a letter explaining everything like I did with my MRI and biopsy. Anyway thanks again and take care.

  • Offline in reply to Koss

    Hi Koss, you are welcome telling family is difficult I have four kids, 3 girls and my youngest a son, my girls took it very well, my son found it very difficult at first took him 18 months to accept my diagnosis, PS, i had no choice but to tell my kids as my cancer is not curable.


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    I'm so sorry to hear that Eddie  I don't really know what to say. It really puts things in perspective. I'm worrying about telling the family and you've just told me that. All I can say is best wishes to you and your family. God bless.

  • Offline in reply to Koss

    Hi Koss, thank you but I am doing well, life is good, I have a few years yet, just got back from Tromso, our 9th holiday of the year, have recently been given my 8th grandchild a beautiful little girl and my son and DIL are expecting twins in January and getting married in 8 weeks, my best wishes to you and your family.


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    That's good to hear Eddie. It must cost you a fortune at Christmas and birthday's. Well worth it though. Love the grandchildren. Two girls and two boys. Thanks for the conversation and good luck to you and your family.

  • Offline in reply to Koss

    Hi Koss, that's what my fiancee said on hearing about the twins due in January, more expense at Christmas then  lol, good to hear you have grandkids as well, 5 of mine are on a 3 week holiday to Disney in Florida, a last minute booking, that was pricey, but  but would do anything for family, take care 


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Spot on there Eddie. Family always comes first. Have a great weekend.