Just finished 7 week radium and four of chemo. Looking advice on speeding up recovery.

I’ve just completed 7 weeks of radiotherapy and four of chemo and am looking any tips, or supplements to help with my recovery. 
My mouth is dry as a desert, I’ve severe pain back left quoarter of my mouth. Throat ulcers all round back of tongue aggravated by a broken tooth at the back. 
ive dentist on 16th to remove tooth. 
Fatigue has his me real hard this last week. 
I’ve maintained my wait by just blending anything that didn’t cause my tongue to burn. 
Mixtures I would never think to eat i.e. chicken soup, chickpeas, mushrooms, potatoes, and cheese blended and drank. 
All tastes the same so I just force mixed foods that don’t cause my mouth to go on fire and force them into me. 
This is getting tougher to do as any movement round my mouth sets my tongue ulcers and throat off. 
Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you John. 

  • Hello John

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been through treatment for an ENT cancer. I know from the many posts that I've read here on the forum how gruelling this treatment can be and how difficult many people find the days and weeks following the end of radiotherapy. 

    Typically side effects of this treatment will continue to worsen for a while after treatment ends. But the majority of stories that I've read from members who have been through this journey do say that with time things improve. 

    I'd suggest having a look at some of the posts on this thread and maybe posting to introduce yourself. Hopefully you will find some helpful advice and information shared there. I know that quite a few members have said how helpful they have found the personal blog that  has shared following her treatment for tonsil cancer so do have a look there as well. 

    Do also get in touch with your cancer nurse specialist who may be able to prescribe medications to help with some of the side effects you've mentioned. 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our team of nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to offer any advice, information and support they can. 

    I hope that things improve for you soon John. Keep in touch and let us know how you're doing. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you Jenn, I know this will pass, but it’s tough everyday. Seems never ending and I’m at the point where just when you think it’s all over it gets worse. Friday coming is my second week from last dose of radium. 
    So hoping things will ease after that. 
    Almost, but just not quite there yet. Another couple months hopefully. John. 

  • hi, there’s no quick fix to recovery. You’ve  take it baby steps one day at a time. Try not to think  too far in advance,  as for your tooth extraction. My Cancer centre refers this to the Dental Hospital and not a local Dentist to make an extractions after we’ve had treatment.just worth checking with yours. Our gums can be quite friable and we are susceptible to osteodencrosis if the jaw. 

    Best advise re food if for  6 month I got no pleasure from eating but took the attitude food us fuel and ate as per my dietician s advise 2500 calories every day at the start most swallowing  ensures. 6 a day that left me free  to try food. Think soft nursery food. Blog below might help the ensures are on prescription not pleasant but gives you calories  The fatigue that you are feeling is radiation fatigue there is no quick cure for that is the case that you have to listen to your body I used to take 20 minute power naps and that went on for around about seven months again. You need to be eating sufficient calories to aid recovery  it’s a vicious circle  

    fir your ulcers gelclair again in prescription  I had an ulcer full length of my tongue for 3 months  treatment continues to work even though you’ve had your last radiotherapy session we get told two weeks but I have yet to meet anyone that has been anywhere near normal after three months never mind two weeks  it’s a marathon not a sprint  but head and neck cancers do have a good cure rate  

    best wishes 



  • Thanks Hazel, yeh I’ve an appointment with school of dentistry on 16th of this month. 
    I’ve had that exact mentality past 6-7 weeks. Just get food into you it all tastes of salt now so blend it up and get it down. 
    My experience of the treatment side affects any food with flavour burns my mouth so it’s all bland foods. Eggs, potatoes, chicken soup, custard, chick peas, cauliflower, flaxseed and vanilla ensures ohh and chicken. 
    I’ve had some odd recipes with my ingredients. A custard, chickpea chicken and cauliflower smoothie is a real treat but it gets the calories in and that’s what counts. Have you had any trouble with burning mouth and if so how long in your experience did it last? John

  • Hi John 

    yes I hsd  burning mouth syndrome  but mine unlike yours was year 2 and in and off it lasted 2 years   Yours is treatment caused mine was food I kept a diary and found my trigger points which for me was anything fermented cheese pickles vinegar citric yoghurts sauces  but late onset burning mouth is different what you’re feeling. Yours is your nerve endings regenerating think Dr Who. 
    as my oncologist explained it to me and mouth taken back to in fact what a baby’s mouth would be we’ve been burnt to kingdom come back and then I started to regenerate so I took the attitude if a baby wouldn’t eat it it wasn’t going in my mouth and the weeks of recovery I’ve started new foods and found when we could eat something and then the next week not a chance that was very infuriating and it made my hubby put two stone in weight because he  ate all my leftovers  

    as fir weird concoctions go with if  even now I can eat a sliced banana in a cream cracker I gave home made soup every day as I need to dip my sandwich in  food and eating out is such a social experience and our type of treatment can take the pleasure away from that it does get better but it is very early days for you  

    Glad you’re being seen at dental hospital had me worried  I was at Leeds cancer dented where are you ? 
