I want to tell you a story - my experience with oesophageal cancer

As an intelligent senior male citizen I  thought I knew about cancer, in particular the treatment. Several of my family and friends have gone down the path before me. I told my wife first about the suspicion of a problem, she then informed our closest family. I thought how to release the news to friends and decided on FB via a story. It went down well so opened the story to 'the world'.
Anyway, mine is oesopageal cancer and the treatment is opposite to what I knew. All the best bits first ending in major surgery, with originally a minor operation mid way through. My prayers were answered as the Government have altered the guidelines in time for me to avoid this additional risk.
My cancer is currently contained so the next step is visit an oncologist to see what the chemo treatment will entail. Early days but feel upbeat, at the moment.
For anybody reading this and also under treatment, take care and hopefully we'll all get to the end of this tunnel.

Best wishes and Love,  Charlie-7

  • Hello Charlie-7 and welcome to the Cancer Chat forum

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I'm sure that it was initially difficult news to receive from the specialists but it sounds like you've approached treatment with a really positive frame of mind and I know how well this will stand you in good stead for the future. 

    We have a few people here in the community who have been through treatment for oesophageal cancer. I'd suggest having a look at this thread recently posted by  as well as this thread where many others have shared their stories over the years. You might also like to have a read through  's profile where he has shared his journey since diagnosis a little over 10 years ago now. 

    I hope that your appointment with the Oncologist brings you more reassurance. If there's anything you would like to talk through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to offer any advice, information and support they can. 

    Do keep in touch Charlie-7 and let us know how you get on over the coming weeks. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Welcome to the forum and the OC club Charlie

  • Thanks davek. Not the sort of club I  would opt to join but good to know there is one about.

  • Just read your post about OC experience. That is so surreal and obviously someone can beat the statistics. I'm glad it's working out for you and your family. Take care and best wishes for things to continue with the cancer being dormant.

  • Thanks Jenn for the contact and pointers to other people's experience. It is all going to help at some point. 
    Best wishes,


  • Thanks - I have been so incredibly lucky! I hope you are too.

  • An update, the Oncologist has told me the treatment plan.

    Bloods sent off for enzyme check, then PICC fitted for a 24hr pump feed for one of the four drugs.

    FLOT x 4, then scan, MDT and surgery option, then final FLOT x4 all being well. Each chemo cycle 2 weeks apart.

    Can't say I'm looking forward to it especially as they expect exercising and eating to continue unabated.

    Obviously it's a tried and tested treatment, doesn't mean I  have to like it. I've got some serious communication to do with the Man above.

    Take care All, I may need you.  Love, Alan