Advice about Dad: dad currently undergoing immunotherapy for melanoma

My dad is 72 and is currently undergoing immunotherapy for melanoma that spread from his head to neck, then shoulder, groin and they think a spot on his lung. 6 months into treatment the only "area of concern" stated by the oncologist was the lung. Since then he has had stable bloods and all his scans have been stable. Oncologist told him he is "behaving and didnt need to see him for a while". He had a scan 3 weeks ago which again is stable. Oncologist said he's handling treatment very well and can have up to 30 immunotherapry treatments due to his "stability" Dad is now however in a panic about his face to face appointment with the Oncologist this autumn when the immunotherapy has finished. I am at a loss for what to stay or how to help. Firstly, stable is good...right? He is so scared of stopping immunotherapy and what comes next.....anyone out there in a similar position?³

  • Hi Sascotty, 

    It sounds like the immunotherapy treatment has gone very well for your dad and the only area concern 6 months on is the lung. Stable bloods and scans seems reassuring too and it's normal for your dad to be worried about his appointment with the oncologist this autumn when the immunotherapy is finished. The appointment will however be a good opportunity to see where he's at, if there has been further progress, if everything is still stable and it will be a chance to discuss what his options will be, if he could potentially benefit from more immunotherapy or if they can explain to you why this can no longer be offered. 

    I thought I would mention a couple of active members of our community who are currently going through or have recently had immunotherapy treatment for melanoma - have  a look for example at  's I'm stage 3 metastatic melanoma thread and also  's Recently diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma thread and feel free to reply to their threads and I hope someone will drop by here and say hello. 

    Our cancer helpline is also open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm - you can get in touch with them on 0808 800 4040 if you would like to talk things through with one of our friendly cancer nurses.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi sascotty sorry to read about your dad, I'll be having my op in just over 2 weeks then immunotherapy. I've read there are a few types ille be having the iv one there are 2 of those ones. If I can be of any support please feel free to reach out 

  • Thank you. I just keep telling him it's not necessarily a bad thing if the doc wants to see u face to face after 2 years. He may just want to physically chat to you. 

  • Thank you very much. Best of luck. Please keep us posted