My dad is 72 and is currently undergoing immunotherapy for melanoma that spread from his head to neck, then shoulder, groin and they think a spot on his lung. 6 months into treatment the only "area of concern" stated by the oncologist was the lung. Since then he has had stable bloods and all his scans have been stable. Oncologist told him he is "behaving and didnt need to see him for a while". He had a scan 3 weeks ago which again is stable. Oncologist said he's handling treatment very well and can have up to 30 immunotherapry treatments due to his "stability" Dad is now however in a panic about his face to face appointment with the Oncologist this autumn when the immunotherapy has finished. I am at a loss for what to stay or how to help. Firstly, stable is good...right? He is so scared of stopping immunotherapy and what comes next.....anyone out there in a similar position?³