The start - squamous cell carcinoma of right tonsil, metastasis on right lung and meningioma on my brain. Slowly recovering from the shock but feeling lost

I have been diagnosed with sqamous cell carcinoma of the right tonsil with a grade two lymph node.Also a small metastasis in right lung .A meningioma on my brain and a spot on my kidneys that they arent sure what it is.I have somewhat recovered from the shock .I am almost finished with 30 radiotherapy treatments.Have found it difficult .So far 3 future appt with the consultant have been cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.I cannot fault the staff overall.I am just feeling lost.Thats it ,im lost.

  • Hey Frank, 

    I noticed you haven't had a reply to your post just yet so I thought I'd stop by to welcome you to the forum and assure you that your post has been seen.

    I'm very sorry to hear about diagnosis. Finding out you have cancer can bring about so many thoughts and feelings, but I'm glad you've reached out to us as you'll find so many of our members will know what you're going through right now, so you are not alone Frank, and I'm sure you'll receive a lot of support and advice from them soon.

    It's great to hear you've almost finished your radiotherapy but having 3 upcoming appointments with your consultant cancelled must be incredibly upsetting and frustrating, so it's completely understandable why you are feeling rather lost at the moment. I really do hope the next appointment goes ahead, but if you would like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses whilst you wait, they're just a phone call away on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all that they can to support you and address any other worries or concerns you may have at this time.

    Do keep posting if you find it helps and remember that our forum and community will always be here for you when you need it most.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator