Supporting my husband through recurring Prostate Cancer


Sadly my husband was told his Prostate Cancer had returned even after having a radical prostatectomy over five years ago. He started his six sessions of chemotherapy several months ago and is actually having his last session as I write this message.

He will have another PSMA PET scan in approximately 6 weeks followed most likely by 4 weeks of radiotherapy.

Planning is so difficult during these times but I wondered if I could find out what is likely to happen after that.  I fully appreciate that everyones journey is different.  He has responded well to the chemotherapy and I am elated to share that his PSA has come down to 0.08.

Wishing everyone the very best of outcomes.

  • Hi Seabreeze, and welcome, I'm sorry to hear of your husband recurrence, I can imagine what a shock that was, but great to hear how well treatment is working. Regarding post treatment, it will usually depend on his PSA and how low it is, if it stays very low, the usual course of action is 2,  3 monthly PSA tests, followed by 6 monthly ones which can be done at your GP's, PS a PSMA PET CT needs a PSA of 0.2 to 0.4 to work at it's best, but is still a very good scan to have, best wishes.


  • Thank you so much for your reply and the info.  Yes having researched we mentioned to the consultant yesterday about the PSMA Pet Scan not working due to his very low PSA but they seem very keen to still do it as a precaution which of course is wonderful.  

  • Hi Seabreeze, you are welcome and good luck with radiotherapy, which worked very well for me. take care.

    Eddie xx