Prostrate Cancer Localised

I have been diagnosed with prostrate cancer since mar2024 stage 2 my psa level was 6.6 at the time. I was in shock when doctor told me of cancer but he said it is treatable and can get rid of cancer cells as it is localised been lucky they caught it early also.

I am on hormone therapy since this april had 2 Zolandex(10.8mg) injections  so far my psa blood test result due by this thur or fri 

Cancer injection has side effects had chronic constipation and urinary tract infection even had Colonscopy procedure recently was successfull one but prep was not good experience.

had anybody else had Zolandex injections 

i keep fit myself by daily walks even gardening at home (90ft) garden its summer grass grows sofast

  • Hi SRabb3, and welcome to the forum, I am on a different hormone therapy injection, over 2 years, but work the same way to reduce testosterone and share all the side effects including constipation, to help drink plenty of water, have a fibre rich diet and lots of fruit and veg, and your exercise will help too, though if your going 3 or more days without going to the loo talk to your Dr's, wonderful news your cancer has been caught so early, you will be treated to cure. best wishes.
