Family support

I'm new just wanted to know if anyone's family has been supportive or not. 

  • Oh gosh that's hard going. Hope you are doing OK. 

  • Just waiting on radiotherapy. Its hard going on all of us, we just have to square our shoulders and get on with it. I understand now why they call us warriors ! 

  • Hope goes OK.

    We are warriors 

  • I’m so sorry to hear you feel this way. It’s hard when you get that diagnosis. Maybe your husband is putting a wall up, because he’s scared himself! Sometimes, people act oddly in a crisis. You’re so right, that the mental health side becomes as important as the physical, it can be a battle in both fronts. Hope it helps offloading on here. We get it 

  • Thanks for your message. I'm.not married I live with my sister and she doesn't like to think about it and my mum thinks I don't want to talk about and makes up my mind for me. There attitude is to brush it under the carpet and think it's over so I should feel the same. It's hard as I've had breast cancer twice and a precancerous polyp in the bowel so it's quite scarey.

    How are you doing

  • That’s very tough for you. Sometimes we don’t need someone to speak, we just need someone to listen. There is so much to process and it can be draining. I really feel for you. But you have friends h re and please don’t be afraid to empty your head on the forum. Me? Since I only got the diagnosis yesterday, I am dazed, and very apprehensive of what’s to come. But like everyone else in here, it h s to be faced. Never hesitate to keep in touch ️

  • Thank you. I'm here to talk if you have any fears or anxieties. I don't mind supporting you.a new diagnosis is very overwhelming so much and alot to process. Think our bodies go into shock mode and we tend to pretend we are OK but deep down is bubbling up loads of anxieties fears and uncertainty. Hope you have support from your family and hospital.

    Please feel free to ask me any questions anytime of night or day. Thinking of you. 

  • Crikey Lisajan - this is hard to answer! 

    I’ve been closely involved in three family cancer cases, including my own.
    Everyone did their best, but there’ll always be different viewpoints, especially between family members located in different parts of the country, or even the World.
    After fighting two types of cancer for three years, my Mam decided not to enter yet another regime of debilitating chemo. Those of us who were directly involved in her care agreed with her choice. Those who weren’t struggled to accept this. 

    None of us are perfect, we all hope we’d do the right thing, but we can never be 100% sure what we’ll do. 

    I hope you receive the support you need

    Best wishes

  • Thanks Dave. Sorry to hear about your mum and your cancer it's a debilitating disease physically and mentally. I do have therapy which really helps. And I have a few friends that I can talk to but because they haven't been through it I'm nit sure they understand. How are you doing